Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of ClassBasedViews

Oct 4, 2010, 1:54:19 PM (14 years ago)
Luke Plant



  • TabularUnified ClassBasedViews

    v9 v10  
    3636Alternatively, override `__getattr__/__setattr__` to access `self.request.state` under the hood while on the surface it looks as if the state is stored on the view instance.
    38 Example usage and view would be the same as shown below in "__call__ and copy()".
     38Example usage and view would be the same as shown below in "`__call__` and copy()".
    4040Arguments for:
    64 This approach proposes that an class instance be placed in; the instance has a !__call!__() method, and when that method is invoked, it takes a shallow copy of the instance defined in, and returns the result of invoking the request method (e.g., GET()). This achieves thread safety by ensuring that every request is given a clean instance on the view class to work on.
     64This approach proposes that an class instance be placed in; the instance has a `__call__()` method, and when that method is invoked, it takes a shallow copy of the instance defined in, and returns the result of invoking the request method (e.g., GET()). This achieves thread safety by ensuring that every request is given a clean instance on the view class to work on.
    6666No special handling is required in !UrlResolver -- the class instance is a callable, so it appears just like an existing view function.
    6868Arguments against:
    69  * The "copy on !__call!__()" approach is a little messy. Normal Python idiom wouldn't lead users to expect that !__call!__() would cause a copy to be created.
    70  * The abstraction of the copy-on-call can leak in surprising ways. Some users will try to set up state using an !__init!__ method (common practice). If any of the state they attach to self in !__init!__ is mutable (list, dict, object, etc) and they mutate it in the view, this will fail (but not immediately, or in obvious ways).
     69 * The "copy on `__call__()`" approach is a little messy. Normal Python idiom wouldn't lead users to expect that `__call__()` would cause a copy to be created.
     70 * The abstraction of the copy-on-call can leak in surprising ways. Some users will try to set up state using an `__init__` method (common practice). If any of the state they attach to self in `__init__` is mutable (list, dict, object, etc) and they mutate it in the view, this will fail (but not immediately, or in obvious ways).
    72 ==== !__new!__() ====
     72==== !__new!__()` ====
    7474[ Implementation]
    88 This approach is much the same as the !__copy!__() on !__call!__() approach, except that !__new!__() is used to create the new instance.
     88This approach is much the same as the `__copy__()` on `__call__()` approach, except that `__new__()` is used to create the new instance.
    9090Arguments against:
    91  * You can't use arguments to __init__() to instantiate a class view
    92  * x = !AuthorView() returns x as a HTTPResponse, not an !AuthorView instance. This violates expectations of normal class usage.
     91 * You can't use arguments to `__init__()` to instantiate a class view (although you can add a `configure` class method to replace this usage)
     92 * `x = AuthorView()` returns x as a HTTPResponse, not an `AuthorView` instance. This violates expectations of normal class usage.
     94==== classmethod ====
     96[ Implementation]
     98Example usage:
     100    url(r'^detail/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view, name="author_detail"),
     103Example class:
     105class AuthorView(View):
     106    def GET(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
     107        return self.render_to_response('author_list.html', {'authors': Author.objects.all()})
     110This is very similar to the `__new__()` approach, except that we have to add a classmethod call to create the callable.
     112Arguments against:
     113 * You can't use arguments to `__init__()` to instantiate a class view (although you can add a `configure` class method to replace this usage)
     114 * The URLconf is slightly more verbose
    94116==== HTTPResponse subclassing ====
    109131Arguments against:
    110132 * Requires special cases in !UrlResolver which almost inevitably involve isinstance(!ViewClass) or some analog.
    111  * Decorators become extremely difficult to use; wrapping methods or __call__ on an uninstantiated class is hard.
     133 * Decorators become extremely difficult to use; wrapping methods or `__call__` on an uninstantiated class is hard.
    113135==== Recommendation ====
    115 Based on these discussions, plus in-person discussions at !,  !__copy!__() on !__call!__() appears to be a slight front runner, with !__new!__() as a close runner up.
     137Based on these discussions, plus in-person discussions at !,  `__copy__()` on `__call__()` appears to be a slight front runner, with `__new__()` as a close runner up.
    117139=== Class Hierarchy ===
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