Version 8 (modified by Adrian Holovaty, 19 years ago) ( diff )

Added "Changed model syntax" section, in preparation for the change.

Backwards-incompatible changes

As Django is still in pre-release mode, we haven't yet committed to maintaining backwards compatibility in any APIs. Although we're keeping such changes to a minimum, Django developers should be acutely aware of these changes.

Of course, once we reach our first official release, we'll be strongly committed to backward compatibility.

This page lists all backwards-incompatible changes to Django so far.

Moved mod_python handler

As of [169], using django.core.handler as a mod_python handler is deprecated. Use django.core.handlers.modpython instead. We will be removing django.core.handler for Django's first release.

Changed ordering syntax

As of [292], syntax used for order_by (in the database API) and ordering (in models) has changed.

Example of old ordering syntax: order_by=[('foo', 'ASC'), ('bar', 'DESC')]

Example of new ordering syntax: order_by=['foo', '-bar']

The old syntax is deprecated, and we'll stop supporting it for Django's first release.


As of [378], django/core/ has been converted to a package, django/core/meta/. If you're using a version of Django from before [378], make sure to delete django/core/meta.pyc and django/core/meta.pyo, if they exist. The existence of those files doesn't pose any known problems, but it's best to clean things up.

Changed edit_inline and edit_inline_type behavior

As of [440], using edit_inline_type in your models is deprecated, in favor of a less-redundant approach that uses edit_inline itself.

Example of old syntax: edit_inline=True, edit_inline_type=meta.TABULAR

Example of new syntax: edit_inline=meta.TABULAR

We'll stop supporting the old syntax for Django's first release.

Changed admin log to store primary keys as TEXT fields, not INTEGER fields

As of [469], the object_id field in django.models.auth.LogEntry is a TextField instead of an IntegerField. We made this change to accomodate non-integer primary keys.

If you're using a Django database installation from before [469] and you want to use non-integer primary keys on an object you edit in the admin site, you'll need to do an ALTER TABLE in your database.

In PostgreSQL:

ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log RENAME object_id TO object_id_old;
ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log ADD COLUMN object_id TEXT;
UPDATE auth_admin_log SET object_id = object_id_old;
ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log DROP COLUMN object_id_old;


ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log MODIFY object_id TEXT;

Added support for anonymous sessions

As of [518], Django has support for anonymous sessions. If you're using a Django database installation from before [518] and you want to use the Django admin, anonymous sessions or auth-based sessions, you'll need to make a few updates to your database and settings files.

Change your settings files

Add "django.middleware.sessions.SessionMiddleware" to the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES tuple in your admin settings file. Make sure it appears before "django.middleware.admin.AdminUserRequired". (The middleware classes are applied in order, and the admin middleware requires that the session middleware come first.)

If you want session support any other (i.e., non-admin) Django installation, change the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting accordingly. The order (i.e., whether it comes before or after the other installed middleware classes) doesn't matter.

Create the core_sessions database table

In PostgreSQL, use this:

CREATE TABLE core_sessions (
    session_key varchar(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    session_data text NOT NULL,
    expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
INSERT INTO content_types (name, package, python_module_name) VALUES ('session', 'core', 'sessions');

In MySQL and SQLite, use this:

CREATE TABLE core_sessions (
    session_key varchar(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    session_data text NOT NULL,
    expire_date datetime NOT NULL
INSERT INTO content_types (name, package, python_module_name) VALUES ('session', 'core', 'sessions');

Remove old, unneeded things

Execute this SQL in your database:

DROP TABLE auth_sessions;
DELETE FROM content_types WHERE package = 'auth' AND python_module_name = 'sessions';

Edit your settings file(s) to remove AUTH_SESSION_COOKIE and REGISTRATION_COOKIE_DOMAIN, if they exist.

Changed model syntax

As of , Django's model syntax has changed. If you're using models that use old (pre-) syntax, you'll need to convert them according to the following instructions.

What changed

  • Fields are now attributes of the model class, rather than members of a fields list.
  • Meta information (anything that's NOT a field, such as ordering, admin, unique_together, etc.) now goes in an inner class, called META (note the all caps). This class doesn't have a parent class.
  • Each field is required to have an explicit name -- even ForeignKeys, ManyToManyFields and OneToOneFields. This solves the problem of "How do I refer to my field from within admin.fields?"
  • rel_name is no longer used for ForeignKeys. If your model has more than one ForeignKey to the same foreign model, differentiate the fields using the field name, not rel_name. See Relating a model to another model more than once for an example.
  • rel_name is no longer used for ManyToManyFields. If your model has more than one ManyToManyField to the same foreign model, differentiate the fields using the field name, not rel_name. Also, give both of the ManyToManyFields a singular attribute, which defines the name of the related object in singular format. (This is an obscure case, but it's included here for completeness.)


Old syntax example:

class Foo(meta.Model):
    fields = (
        meta.CharField('first_name', maxlength=30),
        meta.CharField('last_name', maxlength=30),
    ordering = ('-bar_id',)
    admin = meta.Admin(
        fields = (
            (None, {'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 'bar_id', 'sites')}),

New syntax example:

class Foo(meta.Model):
    first_name = meta.CharField('first_name', maxlength=30)
    last_name = meta.CharField('last_name', maxlength=30)
    bar = meta.ForeignKey(Bar)
    sites = meta.ManyToManyField(Sites)
    class META:
        ordering = ('-bar',)
        admin = meta.Admin(
            fields = (
                (None, {'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 'bar', 'sites')}),


  • bar and sites now have explicit names, and admin.fields was changed to use bar instead of bar_id.
  • ordering was also changed to use the explicit name bar instead of bar_id.
  • Don't forget to remove the commas after each Field, because they're class attributes instead of list elements now.
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