Changes between Version 72 and Version 73 of BackwardsIncompatibleChanges

Jan 28, 2007, 7:11:58 PM (18 years ago)
Adrian Holovaty

Added "Changed prepopulate_from to be defined in the Admin class, not database field classes"


  • TabularUnified BackwardsIncompatibleChanges

    v72 v73  
    4040 * September 27, 2006: [ Removed ENABLE_PSYCO setting]
    4141 * January 16, 2007: [ Changed Admin.manager option to more flexible hook]
     42 * January 28, 2007: [ Changed prepopulate_from to be defined in the Admin class, not database field classes]
    4344== Moved mod_python handler ==
    611612Note that this change was made to the NewformsAdminBranch branch, which is scheduled to merge to trunk by January 31. The change will not be made to trunk until that branch is merged to trunk.
     614== Changed prepopulate_from to be defined in the Admin class, not database field classes ==
     616As of [4446], the {{{prepopulate_from}}} option to database fields no longer exists. It's been discontinued in favor of the new {{{prepopulated_fields}}} option on {{{class Admin}}}. The new {{{prepopulated_fields}}} option, if given, should be a dictionary mapping field names to lists/tuples of field names. Here's an example comparing old syntax and new syntax:
     621# OLD:
     622class MyModel(models.Model):
     623    first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
     624    last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
     625    slug = models.CharField(maxlength=60, prepopulate_from=('first_name', 'last_name'))
     627    class Admin:
     628        pass
     630# NEW:
     631class MyModel(models.Model):
     632    first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
     633    last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
     634    slug = models.CharField(maxlength=60, prepopulate_from=('first_name', 'last_name'))
     636    class Admin:
     637        prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('first_name', 'last_name')}
     640Note that this change was made to the NewformsAdminBranch branch, which is scheduled to merge to trunk by January 31. The change will not be made to trunk until that branch is merged to trunk.
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