Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of BackwardsIncompatibleChanges

Nov 27, 2005, 4:09:10 PM (19 years ago)
Adrian Holovaty

Added "Added support for non-named groups in URLconf regular expressions"


  • TabularUnified BackwardsIncompatibleChanges

    v52 v53  
    469469=== Templates ===
    471 Templates that are included in another template using {{{{% include %}}}} or {{{{% ssi %}}}}, or extend a template using {{{{% extends %}}}}, must explicitly {{{{% load %}}}} all libraries they need for their tags and filters. Some templates may have worked in the past due to previous requests registering tags : this will no longer work. 
     471Templates that are included in another template using {{{{% include %}}}} or {{{{% ssi %}}}}, or extend a template using {{{{% extends %}}}}, must explicitly {{{{% load %}}}} all libraries they need for their tags and filters. Some templates may have worked in the past due to previous requests registering tags : this will no longer work.
     473== Added support for non-named groups in URLconf regular expressions ==
     475As of [1470], Django URLconfs support non-named groups in URLconf regular expressions. This means you no longer have to specify the name of each group.
     477For example, this old syntax:
     479(r'^(?P<item_id>\d{1,3})/$', 'foo.item_detail'),
     482Can be shortened to this syntax:
     484(r'^(\d{1,3})/$', 'foo.item_detail'),
     487The algorithm it follows is: If there are any named groups, it will use those, ignoring all non-named groups. Otherwise, it will pass all non-named groups as positional arguments. In both cases, it will pass any {{{extra_kwargs}}} as keyword arguments.
     489The old syntax (named groups) still works. Use that in cases where you can't (or don't want to) couple the order of URL parameters with the order of your view function arguments.
     491There are two small backwards-incompatibilities about this change:
     493 * If you've written custom middleware that implements {{{process_view()}}}, you'll need to change it so it takes {{{view_args}}} and {{{view_kwargs}}} arguments instead of {{{param_dict}}}:
     495   {{{
     496   def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs)
     497   }}}
     499 * On the off chance you have legacy URLconfs that have NO captured items but DO use capturing parenthesis (which until now would have had no effect), you'll need to either change your view code to accept the captured values, or uncapture them.
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