Changes between Version 26 and Version 27 of BackwardsIncompatibleChanges

Nov 10, 2005, 10:34:44 PM (19 years ago)
Adrian Holovaty

Added "Separated flatpages and redirects into standalone, optional apps" section


  • TabularUnified BackwardsIncompatibleChanges

    v26 v27  
    117117== Refactored the admin app not to require its own settings file ==
    119 As of an upcoming changeset, the admin will have been refactored, to make things simpler and tighter -- both conceptually and in code layout.
     119As of [948], the admin has been refactored, to make things simpler and tighter -- both conceptually and in code layout.
    121121=== What changed ===
    215215 * Change {{{DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE}}} in Apache configuration from {{{"myproject.settings.main"}}} to {{{"myproject.settings"}}}.
    216216 * Having done all this, delete the directory {{{myproject/settings}}}.
     218== Separated flatpages and redirects into standalone, optional apps ==
     220As of ____, flatpages and redirects, previously installed by default, are now optional add-ons. Now they must be installed manually.
     222=== What changed ===
     224 * The flatpages and redirects database files are no longer installed by default.
     225 * Renamed all references to "flatfiles" -- a previous name for flatpages -- to "flatpages", to be unambiguous.
     226 * Renamed the flatpages and redirects database tables.
     227 * Moved all flatpages and redirects logic from throughout the Django code to {{{django.contrib}}}.
     228 * To use flatpages and redirects, you now need to specify them in {{{INSTALLED_APPS}}} -- use {{{"django.contrib.flatpages"}}} and {{{"django.contrib.redirects"}}}.
     230=== How to update your code ===
     232If you're using a Django installation from before this changeset, do the following to restore flatpages and redirects functionality:
     234==== If you don't want to use flatfiles ====
     236 * Execute the following SQL:
     237   {{{
     238   DROP TABLE flatfiles;
     239   DROP TABLE flatfiles_sites;
     240   DELETE FROM auth_permissions WHERE package = 'core' AND codename IN ('add_flatfile', 'change_flatfile', 'delete_flatfile');
     241   DELETE FROM content_types WHERE package = 'core' AND python_module_name = 'flatfiles';
     242   }}}
     244==== If you don't want to use redirects ====
     246 * Execute the following SQL:
     247   {{{
     248   DROP TABLE redirects;
     249   DELETE FROM auth_permissions WHERE package = 'core' AND codename IN ('add_redirect', 'change_redirect', 'delete_redirect');
     250   DELETE FROM content_types WHERE package = 'core' AND python_module_name = 'redirects';
     251   }}}
     253==== If you do want to use flatfiles and redirects ====
     255 * Execute the following SQL:
     256   {{{
     257   ALTER TABLE redirects RENAME TO django_redirects;
     258   ALTER TABLE flatfiles RENAME TO django_flatpages;
     259   ALTER TABLE flatfiles_sites RENAME TO django_flatpages_sites;
     260   ALTER TABLE django_flatpages_sites RENAME flatfile_id TO flatpage_id;
     261   INSERT INTO packages (label, name) VALUES ('flatpages', 'flatpages');
     262   UPDATE content_types SET package = 'flatpages', python_module_name = 'flatpages' WHERE package = 'core' AND python_module_name = 'flatfiles';
     263   UPDATE auth_permissions SET package = 'flatpages' WHERE package = 'core' AND codename IN ('add_flatfile', 'change_flatfile', 'delete_flatfile');
     264   INSERT INTO packages (label, name) VALUES ('redirects', 'redirects');
     265   UPDATE content_types SET package = 'redirects', python_module_name = 'redirects' WHERE package = 'core' AND python_module_name = 'redirects';
     266   UPDATE auth_permissions SET package = 'redirects' WHERE package = 'core' AND codename IN ('add_redirect', 'change_redirect', 'delete_redirect');
     267   }}}
     268 * If you're using PostgreSQL, execute this SQL:
     269   {{{
     270   ALTER TABLE redirects_id_seq RENAME TO django_redirects_id_seq;
     271   ALTER TABLE django_redirects ALTER COLUMN id DROP DEFAULT;
     272   ALTER TABLE django_redirects ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.django_redirects_id_seq'::text);
     273   ALTER TABLE flatfiles_id_seq RENAME TO django_flatpages_id_seq;
     274   ALTER TABLE django_flatpages ALTER COLUMN id DROP DEFAULT;
     275   ALTER TABLE django_flatpages ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.django_flatpages_id_seq'::text);
     276   }}}
     277 * If you have a {{{flatfiles/default.html}}} template, rename it to {{{flatpages/default.html}}}.
     278 * In every one of your flatpage templates, change the variable {{{flatfile}}} to {{{flatpage}}}.
     279 * If you use the URLconf {{{django.conf.urls.flatfiles}}}, now point to {{{django.contrib.flatpages.urls}}}.
     280 * If you have a {{{USE_FLAT_PAGES}}} setting, remove it.
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