Changes between Version 233 and Version 234 of BackwardsIncompatibleChanges
- Timestamp:
- Aug 12, 2008, 3:02:11 AM (17 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v233 v234 66 66 * [8143] July 30, 2008 [#DecimalFieldconversiontightened DecimalField conversion tightened] 67 67 * [8162] July 30, 2008 [#Passwordresetsystemchangedtoimprovesecurityandusability Password reset system changed to improve security and usability ] 68 * [8191] Aug .1, 2008 [#Removedseveraldeprecatedfeaturesfor1.0 Removed several deprecated features for 1.0]69 * [8202] Aug .3, 2008 [#Removeddictionaryaccesstorequestobject Removed dictionary access to request object]70 * [8211] Aug .5, 2008 [#urltagnowallowsNoReverseMatchexceptionstopropagate url tag now allows !NoReverseMatch exceptions to propagate]68 * [8191] Aug 1, 2008 [#Removedseveraldeprecatedfeaturesfor1.0 Removed several deprecated features for 1.0] 69 * [8202] Aug 3, 2008 [#Removeddictionaryaccesstorequestobject Removed dictionary access to request object] 70 * [8211] Aug 5, 2008 [#urltagnowallowsNoReverseMatchexceptionstopropagate url tag now allows !NoReverseMatch exceptions to propagate] 71 71 * [8223] Aug 6, 2008 [#Signalrefactoring Signal/dispatch refactoring] 72 72 * [8230] Aug 8, 2008 [#Peruvianlocalflavorchange Peruvian localflavor change] 73 73 * [8244] Aug 8, 2008 [#Filestoragerefactoring File storage refactoring] 74 74 * [8273] Aug 9, 2008 [#save_addandsave_changeRemovedfromModelAdmin save_add and save_change Removed from ModelAdmin] 75 * [8291] Aug. 10, 2008 [#Removedseveralmoredeprecatedfeaturesfor1.0 Removed several more deprecated features for 1.0] 76 * [8296] Aug. 11, 2008 [#RefactoredtheCreationandIntrospectionmodulesofthedatabasebackends Refactored the Creation and Introspection modules of the database backends] 75 * [8291] Aug 10, 2008 [#Removedseveralmoredeprecatedfeaturesfor1.0 Removed several more deprecated features for 1.0] 76 * [8296] Aug 11, 2008 [#RefactoredtheCreationandIntrospectionmodulesofthedatabasebackends Refactored the Creation and Introspection modules of the database backends] 77 * [8319] Aug 12, 2008 [#RestoredearlierexactmatchingforMySQL Restored earlier exact matching for MySQL] 77 78 78 79 == Changed 'spaceless' template tag to remove all spaces == … … 601 602 == Exact Comparisons Respect Case In MySQL == 602 603 604 **This change is no longer applicable. See [#RestoredearlierexactmatchingforMySQL below] for details on when it was changed back.** 605 603 606 The documented behaviour of the `__exact` comparison in Django's ORM is that it is case-sensitive. For case-insensitive searches, there is `__iexact`. On some MySQL installations (which includes most default installations), `__exact` was using case-''in''sensitive matching. This was changed in [7798] so that using `__exact` will respect the case of the argument, bringing it into line with all the other database backends. 604 607 … … 1153 1156 Lastly, any user that is maintaining an external database backend will need to update their code to use the new interface. The new class-based approach should make backend development much easier, as common behavior can be inherited from the base classes in django.db.backends; only database-specific behavior should require implementation. 1154 1157 1158 == Restored earlier exact matching for MySQL == 1159 For MySQL users only: Due to a number of unintended side-effects and after carefully considering the alternatives, the changes from [7798] were reverted in [8319]. Thus, `__exact` filters in MySQL now use the database table's native collation setting to determine whether the match is case-sensitive or case-insensitive. 1160 1161 [ The documentation] for `exact` has been updated to indicate how to control this behaviour.