9 | | In your models file, there are only a couple things to do. First, obviously you'll need to import your audit file, or possibly just get `AuditTrail` from within it. Then, add an `AuditTrail` to the model of your choice, assigning it to whatever name you like. That's the only thing necessary to set up the audit trail and get Python-level acecss to it. If you need to view the audit information in the admin interface, simply add `show_in_admin=True` as an argument to `AuditTrail`. |
| 9 | In your models file, there are only a couple things to do. First, obviously you'll need to import your audit file, or possibly just get `AuditTrail` from within it. Then, add an `AuditTrail` to the model of your choice, assigning it to whatever name you like. That's the only thing necessary to set up the audit trail and get Python-level access to it. If you need to view the audit information in the admin interface, simply add `show_in_admin=True` as an argument to `AuditTrail`. |