Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of AJAXWidgetComboBox
- Timestamp:
- Aug 30, 2006, 11:14:21 PM (19 years ago)
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v5 v6 1 = An AJAX ! ComboBoxWidget for Django =1 = An AJAX !Select Widget for Django = 2 2 3 This widget was written to replace the standard {{{<select>}}} form element Django uses for releated objects in forms. The widget is an extended version of the [ Dojo] ! ComboBoxwidget. I use this mostly in places where the number of objects in the related objects table exceeds 20 or more. The widget is extracted from a project where some tables have more than 30,000 objects and using a {{{<select>}}} dropdown simply did not scale.3 This widget was written to replace the standard {{{<select>}}} form element Django uses for releated objects in forms. The widget is an extended version of the [ Dojo] !Select widget. I use this mostly in places where the number of objects in the related objects table exceeds 20 or more. The widget is extracted from a project where some tables have more than 30,000 objects and using a {{{<select>}}} dropdown simply did not scale. 4 4 5 5 This widget supports live lookup of related fields based on a single field in that model and autocompletion. … … 19 19 == Requirements == 20 20 21 * [ simplejson 1.3] - used for object serialization. 22 23 * [ Dojo] - used for AJAX and widget implementation. I have been using the latest SVN trunk in my project but version 0.2.2 may work for you. 21 * [ Dojo 0.3.1] - used for AJAX and widget implementation. 24 22 25 23 * The widget tarball attached to this page. … … 28 26 == Installation == 29 27 30 * Install simplejson and make sure it is somewhere in your PYTHONPATH.31 32 28 * Install Dojo in media/js. 33 29 34 * Untar nong combobox-0.9.tar.gz and copy the {{{nong}}} directory into the samedirectory as dojo and copy the contents of {{{}}} into one of your own {{{}}} files.30 * Untar nongselect-1.0.tar.gz and copy the {{{nong}}} directory into the same parent directory as dojo and copy the contents of {{{}}} into one of your own {{{}}} files. 35 31 36 32 My project layout is as follows: … … 54 50 == Example Use == 55 51 56 In this example we will create a form that uses the ! ComboBoxwidget to for the Article's reporter field in below.52 In this example we will create a form that uses the !Select widget to for the Article's reporter field in below. 57 53 58 54 === Model === … … 100 96 }}} 101 97 102 Now test your new reporter_lookup view my going to {{{http://localhost:8000/myapp/reporter_lookup/? search=}}}, which should return something like:98 Now test your new reporter_lookup view my going to {{{http://localhost:8000/myapp/reporter_lookup/?q=}}}, which should return something like: 103 99 {{{ 104 100 [["Reporter 1", 1], ["Reporter 2", 2], ...] … … 111 107 {{{ 112 108 ... 109 {% load formtags %} 113 110 {% block extrahead %} 114 111 {% comment %} 115 load dojo and the comboboxwidget112 load dojo and the select widget 116 113 {% endcomment %} 117 114 <script type="text/javascript" src="/media/js/dojo/dojo.js"></script> … … 120 117 dojo.setModulePrefix("nong.widget","../nong/widget"); 121 118 dojo.widget.manager.registerWidgetPackage("nong.widget"); 122 dojo.require("nong.widget.Nong ComboBox");119 dojo.require("nong.widget.NongSelect"); 123 120 </script> 124 125 {% comment %}126 Add the following if you use the same template for both adding and changing. This block pre-populates the new combobox widget with the current value of the article's reporter.127 {% endcomment %}128 {% if object %}129 <script type="text/javascript">130 function fillComboBoxes() {131 var reporter = dojo.widget.byId("{{ form.reporter.get_id }}");132 reporter.setValue("{{ }}");133 reporter.setSelectedValue("{{ }}");134 };135 dojo.addOnLoad(fillComboBoxes);136 </script>137 {% endif %}138 139 121 {% endblock %} 140 122 ... 141 123 {% comment %} 124 Two templatetags are included for your convenience. The first, {% fieldrow ... %} splits out a form element similar in style to the 125 Django Admin with the field's help_text displayed. 126 The second, {% selectrow ... %}, splits out all the markup and javascript necessary for the AJAX selet widget. 127 142 128 Replace the usual {{ form.reporter }} element in the template with this: 143 129 {% endcomment %} 144 <select dojoType="NongComboBox" id="{{ form.reporter.get_id }}" name="reporter" dataUrl="/myapp/reporter_lookup/?search=%{searchString}" mode="remote" value="default"></select> 130 {% fieldrow form.headline %} 131 {% fieldrow form.pub_date %} 132 {% selectrow form.reporter "/myapp/reporter_lookup/?q=%{searchString}" "first_name" %} 145 133 ... 146 134 }}} … … 148 136 That's it! You should be able to submit this form just like you normally would. 149 137 138 139 Matthew Flanagan (mattimustang A T