Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #9519, comment 38

Jun 4, 2023, 10:57:23 PM (21 months ago)
Simon Charette


  • Ticket #9519, comment 38

    v1 v2  
    11I think comment:26 is still very relevant today even if it was made 10 years ago.
     3> making it only fetch values() for cascade columns if there is no need for sending the signals (latter is likely tricky to do).
     5This was implemented in #30191 and further improvements were made recently as well such as #33928.
    37All the proposed method `bulk_delete` method does is copy over `delete` implementation and allow the deletion collector to ignore signals when determining if the ''fast'' path can be taken so I don't think it warrants a dedicated method and it feels like the usage of the `bulk_` prefix is slightly misleading.
    5 Given support for database level `on_delete` is likely to land sooner than later how relevant would a new `delete(ignore_signals)` flag given the Pandora box in opens terms of supporting ignoring signals in all other interfaces the ORM supports (``, `Model.delete`, etc).
     9Given support for database level `on_delete` is likely to land sooner than later (#21961) how relevant would a new `delete(ignore_signals)` flag given the Pandora box in opens terms of supporting ignoring signals in all other interfaces the ORM supports (``, `Model.delete`, etc).
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