Opened 12 days ago

Closed 11 days ago

Last modified 10 days ago

#36183 closed Bug (invalid)

Model o2o inheritance with abstract models does not "evaluate" a lazy relationship

Reported by: BeryCZ Owned by:
Component: Database layer (models, ORM) Version: 5.1
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: BeryCZ Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


When I define models like this

class AbstractPage(models.Model):
    mtime = models.DateTimeField(
        verbose_name="Last modification at",

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class AbstractPageType(models.Model):
    page = models.OneToOneField(
    title = models.CharField(

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class Page(AbstractPage):

class ArticlePage(AbstractPageType, Page):

And then I do


I get

  File "django/db/models/", line 87, in manager_method
    return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
  File "django/db/models/", line 1701, in order_by
  File "django/db/models/sql/", line 2249, in add_ordering
    self.names_to_path(item.split(LOOKUP_SEP), self.model._meta)
  File "django/db/models/sql/", line 1777, in names_to_path
    path_to_parent = opts.get_path_to_parent(model)
  File "django/db/models/", line 755, in get_path_to_parent
    targets = (final_field.remote_field.get_related_field(),)
  File "django/db/models/fields/", line 311, in get_related_field
    field = self.model._meta.get_field(self.field_name)

Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value: 'str' object has no attribute '_meta'

It works when I do

class ArticlePage(AbstractPageType, Page):
    page = models.OneToOneField(

but I would prefer not to have to define page field in every PageType.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Natalia Bidart, 11 days ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Hello BeryCZ, thank you for this report. I've analyzed your models and I fear that the issue is the complex inheritance that you have proposed. Specifically, you cannot have a model (ArticlePage) that both inherits from Page and has a OneToOneField to Page. Without understanding your use case, it feels like a possible solution would be for your "pages" to have a FK to "page types" (instead of the other way around with the 1-1 field).

Your model definitions create an inheritance conflict:

  1. AbstractPageType expects a separate Page instance (this means every model that inherits from AbstractPageType must have a separate Page instance linked via the page field).
  2. ArticlePage is also inheriting Page, which means Django expects ArticlePage itself to be a Page instance.

Django sees two competing ways to resolve ArticlePage:

  • ArticlePage is a Page (due to model inheritance), or
  • ArticlePage has a separate Page instance (due to the page OneToOneField).

The error is caused because Django tries to retrieve the mtime field, which exists on Page (inherited via AbstractPage). But because ArticlePage also has a OneToOneField called page, Django gets confused about how to resolve mtime. Instead of treating page as a relationship to another Page instance, Django interprets it as a string.

Solutions are either to remove the direct inheritance to Page or remove the page field from AbstractPageType.

If you have further questions, there are several user support channels available. Please refer to TicketClosingReasons/UseSupportChannels for ways to get help.

comment:2 by BeryCZ, 10 days ago

Hello Natalia, thanks for your response, but I think you either misunderstood or I'm missing something that's not clear from your answer.

Based on the docs I can override the primary key on ArticlePage so instead of page_ptr I can have just page. So that's what I'm doing, it works when I put it in ArticlePage model, but not when I put it the AbstractPageType.
I've just asked on discord and klove said it should be ok to name the pk page.
So I even tried to remove my custom pk field and checked and and both raise AttributeError, so by default page is not there.

My use case is - I want to have the "parent" model Page from which I can MTI "submodels" like Article, Category, Product, Reference, whatever. The Page model will then be used for references in other models (galeries, urls, tree-maps, ...).

So, am I missing something, or is this a bug? I'm not saying it's an easy-to-fix bug :) but I honestly think it is a bug.
I'm not even sure where the lazy load of to relationship is, or why it doesn't work in abstract models, otherwise I would try to fix it and PR.

Thank you,

comment:3 by Simon Charette, 10 days ago

I believe your AbstractPageType definition is invalid as it should not allowed to define a parent_link on a model that doesn't directly inherit from the referenced model even when abstract.

The correct way to do this is to have the abstract model defining the parent link subclass the concrete model (abstract MTI). This means you should be able to achieve what you're after by re-organizing your model definition to make sure AbstractPageType does inherit from Page

class AbstractPage(models.Model):
    mtime = models.DateTimeField(
        verbose_name="Last modification at",

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class Page(AbstractPage):

class AbstractPageType(Page):
    page = models.OneToOneField(

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class ArticlePage(AbstractPageType):

class OtherPage(AbstractPageType):

This is not something Django could be easily adjusted to warn you about as no registry of abstract models is kept and thus system checks cannot be run against them.

Last edited 10 days ago by Simon Charette (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Simon Charette, 10 days ago

So I tried adapting BaseModel.__new__ to confirm this was effectively never supported with

  • django/db/models/

    diff --git a/django/db/models/ b/django/db/models/
    index 575365e11c..5a33f78a98 100644
    a b def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs):  
    243243            for field in base._meta.local_fields:
    244244                if isinstance(field, OneToOneField) and field.remote_field.parent_link:
    245245                    related = resolve_relation(new_class, field.remote_field.model)
    246                     parent_links[make_model_tuple(related)] = field
     246                    related_model_tuple = make_model_tuple(related)
     247                    if abstract and not any(
     248                        make_model_tuple(parent) == related_model_tuple
     249                        for parent in parents
     250                        if hasattr(parent, "_meta")
     251                    ):
     252                        raise TypeError(
     253                            "Abstract models must directly inherit from parent "
     254                            "links they refer to."
     255                        )
     256                    parent_links[related_model_tuple] = field
    248258        # Track fields inherited from base models.
    249259        inherited_attributes = set()

And the suited failed on these models which git-blame led me to #20883 (163a34ce4bc1086b346a52c7271f48d2c207f710) which makes me believe this either never fully worked (notice the tests are very minimal) or that the latest changes to abstract model inheritance field attribution in #24305 (85ef98dc6ec565b1add417bd76808664e7318026).

Given we have models in the suite I think we should at least bisect to determine if this was ever properly supported but so minimally tested that #24305 silently broke it. If it never truly worked then I'd suggest we add this TypeError otherwise if it was broken by #24305 we should consider it like a long standing regression.

comment:5 by BeryCZ, 10 days ago

Hello Simon, thank you for your response.
The re-organization of the models isnt really a solution, because in my case the abstracts are in a reusable app and then models are project specific. I dont like to have concrete models in a reusable app and never be able to rewrite them, but I need the AbstractPageType in the reusable app already.

I would really like if it was possible to define the parent_link field's name in the abstract, so I don't have to define it on all PageType models, because page is much more comfortable to work with than page_ptr.

Last edited 10 days ago by BeryCZ (previous) (diff)
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