Opened 3 weeks ago

Last modified 7 days ago

#36138 assigned New feature

Simplify ADMINS and MANAGERS email list settings — at Initial Version

Reported by: Mike Edmunds Owned by:
Component: Core (Mail) Version: 5.1
Severity: Normal Keywords:
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no


Django should allow the ADMINS and MANAGERS settings to be simple lists of email addresses, like this:

# Doesn't work in Django through 5.2:
ADMINS = ["", ""]

Right now, those settings both expect a list of tuples of (full name, email address). But the name part is ignored in both mail_admins() and mail_managers()—and it's been ignored for at least 20 years (as far back as the Git history goes):

ADMINS = [("name is ignored", ""), ("ignored", "]

#30604 added an error on detecting the (reasonable) mistake of trying to set ADMINS or MANAGERS to a simple list of addresses as in first example.

This ticket proposes instead allowing—and documenting—simple address lists in these settings. For compatibility, Django would also continue to support the list-of-tuples form (with the name field ignored).

Incidentally, if you do want to include a display-name in the admins/managers recipients lists, that can be done with the RFC 5322 "name" <addr> format (which is accepted by all the django.core.mail APIs):

# Works in Django 5.2 and earlier:
    ("ignored", "John <>"), 
    ("ignored", '"Mary, IT (Ops)" <>'),

# Also allowed after this proposed change:
    "John <>", 
    '"Mary, IT (Ops)" <>',

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