| 1 | Without `--skip-checks=False`, the `migrate` command runs system checks regardless of the value of `requires_system_checks`, which is `[]` by [https://github.com/django/django/blob/4c452cc377f6f43acd90c6e54826ebd2e6219b0d/django/core/management/commands/migrate.py#L22 default] (itself a little misleading) but ultimately something I would like to be able to override at the project level. The fact that `[]` is not respected and not overridable seems like a bug, and AFAIK it's an asymmetry with other commands. (EDIT: turns out, `runserver` behaves in a similar way, with a [https://github.com/django/django/blob/c2c7dbb2f88ce8f0ef6d48a61b93866c9926349a/django/core/management/commands/runserver.py#L30 comment from 17 years ago], predating migrations, explaining there is a separate mechanism from the one that became `requires_system_checks` that runs the system checks. I think we can improve the story here.) |