Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #35855, comment 4

Oct 22, 2024, 5:37:29 PM (4 months ago)
Thibaud Colas


  • TabularUnified Ticket #35855, comment 4

    initial v1  
    1 I didn’t know about that page in the ReportLab docs! I’m baffled to read their tagged PDF support is [ only available for paid users], not sure what to make of that information. There’s no way a PDF with any kind of formatting in it would be considered good enough for an organization that has to follow accessibility standards.
     1I didn’t know about that page in the ReportLab docs! I’m baffled to read their tagged PDF support is [ only available for paid users], not sure what to make of that information. Without tags, there’s no way a PDF with any kind of formatting in it would be considered good enough for an organization that has to follow accessibility standards.
    33@Natalia PDFs have accessibility issues like any other content, but they’re even more prevalent because a lot of software out there requires extra steps to produce accessible PDFs. The page shared by Sarah is a good overview of things that are often missing and can be resolved (in particular tagging). Additionally I would recommend reading:
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