Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #35683, comment 7

Aug 21, 2024, 6:51:21 PM (4 weeks ago)
Liam DeVoe


  • Ticket #35683, comment 7

    initial v1  
    11I half expected this ticket to be wontfix when I opened it :). Here's one sane alternative I can think of: if you're converting to naive solely for serializing to the db, and when you deserialize from the db you make it tz aware again, then the only time it's out of bounds for the serialization/storage portion. But you control the serialization format, so you could extend the limits by 24 hours in each direction to accommodate those overflows, relying on the invariant that they will be made immediately tz aware and thus in bounds before reaching the user.
    3 I'm not familiar with django internals, so this may not be acceptable or the assumed invariants may not be correct - that's up to you guys. I agree that silently capping is not a good idea. Possibly this should just be wontifx'd but documented; it does seem surprising to a user that I cannot store an in-bounds tz aware datetime, because there is no reason to expect it is converted to a naive datetime.
     3I'm not familiar with django internals, so this may not be acceptable or the assumed invariants may not be correct - that's up to you guys. I agree that silently capping is not a good idea. Possibly this should just be wontifx'd but documented; it does seem surprising to a user that I cannot store an in-bounds tz aware datetime, because there is no reason to expect that django will convert it to a naive datetime.
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