Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #34924

Oct 23, 2023, 2:32:10 PM (11 months ago)
Sebastian Jekutsch


  • Ticket #34924 – Description

    v1 v2  
    11Hi there,
    3 sorry for the unspecific summary, but I expect to have a few issues here without knowing how to tell on from the other.
     3sorry for the unspecific summary, but I expect to have a few issues here without knowing how to tell one from the other.
    5 I expect squashmigrations with optimization turned on (default) to result in a squashed migration file so that running makemigration afterwards doesn't detect any migration needs. In my case though, some single migrations doesn't seem to to be in the squashed migration file.
     5I expect squashmigrations with optimization turned on (default) to result in a squashed migration file so that running makemigration afterwards doesn't detect any migration needs. In my case though, makemigration detected for differences, i.e. some single migrations doesn't seem to be in the squashed migration file.
    7 Squashing is important to me, because for some time I temporarily experimented with third-party libraries I don't want to include anymore. But installing/migrating in a new database still require them to be in the virtual environment, of cource, if not squashed mit optimization on.
     7Squashing is important to me, because for some time I temporarily experimented with third-party libraries I don't want to include anymore. But installing/migrating in a new database still require them to be in the virtual environment, of course, if not squashed with optimization on.
    99See attachments:
    1212* Resulting migration file of " makemigrations" -> 0117
    14 Additionally, I found that two models seem to have disappeared completely in the squashed migration file as well as it has not been recognized by the makemigrations cross-check:
    15 * AbstractEntity - this may be ok since it's an abstract super-class, but note that AbtractCategory *is* included in the squashing
    16 * Activity - this model vanished
     14Additionally, I found that two models seem to have errorneously disappeared completely in the squashed migration file as well as they have not been recognized by the makemigrations cross-check (which I expected to be empty anyway):
     15* Activity
     16* AbstractEntity - this may be ok since it's an abstract super-class, but note that AbstractCategory *is* included in the squashing
    1818See attachment
     20In case any information is missing please don't hesitate to contact me.
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