Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 11 months ago

#34211 new Cleanup/optimization

Performance Regression After Upgrade to Django 3.2 — at Initial Version

Reported by: polarmt Owned by: nobody
Component: Database layer (models, ORM) Version: 3.2
Severity: Normal Keywords: performance, regression
Cc: Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no



We recently upgraded from Django 2.2 to Django 3.2. After the upgrade, several of our APIs slowed down significantly. For instance, our of our APIs increased by 50% from ~0.28 seconds to ~0.41 seconds.


To diagnose the issue, I ran Flamegraphs on the API with Django 2.2 and Django 3.2. The results were nearly identical except for one part:

Code highlighting:

class ForeignKeyDeferredAttribute(DeferredAttribute):
  def __set__(self, instance, value):
      if instance.__dict__.get(self.field.attname) != value and self.field.is_cached(instance):
      instance.__dict__[self.field.attname] = value

django/db/models/fields/ in Django 3.2

This code might seem harmless, but it did not scale well when considering how it is called. From my understanding, this scales in relation to the # of rows returned by the query times the # of foreign key fields in the table.

The function below creates an object for every row:

Code highlighting:

class ModelIterable(BaseIterable):                            
  """Iterable that yields a model instance for each row."""
  def __iter__(self):
      queryset = self.queryset
      db = queryset.db
      compiler = queryset.query.get_compiler(using=db)
      # Execute the query. This will also fill, klass_info,
      # and annotations.
      for row in compiler.results_iter(results):
          obj = model_cls.from_db(db, init_list, row[model_fields_start:model_fields_end])
          for rel_populator in related_populators:
              rel_populator.populate(row, obj)

Every object created will go through the following logic:

Code highlighting:

class Model(metaclass=ModelBase):

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      # Alias some things as locals to avoid repeat global lookups
      cls = self.__class__
      opts = self._meta
      _setattr = setattr

      if not kwargs:
          fields_iter = iter(opts.concrete_fields)
          # The ordering of the zip calls matter - zip throws StopIteration
          # when an iter throws it. So if the first iter throws it, the second
          # is *not* consumed. We rely on this, so don't change the order
          # without changing the logic.
          for val, field in zip(args, fields_iter):
              if val is _DEFERRED:
              _setattr(self, field.attname, val)

If the field is a foreign key, then it will call the overrided __set__. For one API call, we had a filter query on a table with three foreign keys that returns 11k rows. This small change did not scale well with a query.


We ran the same API call by disabling this overriding:

Code highlighting:

class ForeignKeyDeferredAttribute(DeferredAttribute):
  def set_fake(self, instance, value):
      if instance.__dict__.get(self.field.attname) != value and self.field.is_cached(instance):
      instance.__dict__[self.field.attname] = value

The latency of that API improved from ~0.41 seconds to ~0.31 seconds.


This change does not seem scalable. Even with a moderately sized query and three foreign-key relationships, the query increased the API latency by 50%. We understand the motivation behind the change: Ticket #28147. We were wondering if there is a more performant fix to that problem.

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