Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #33907, comment 6

Aug 9, 2022, 9:15:26 AM (2 years ago)
Mohamed Alnahhas


  • Ticket #33907, comment 6

    v1 v2  
    88> Can you also reproduce the same issue by using `unique_together` instead of `UniqueConstraint(fields=['user','content_type', 'object_id'], name='unique_object')`. If you can then I'm not convinced this should be considered a release blocker.
    10 It is not crashing, the object is created successfully and I get the green success message I can even go to the Skill_level admin page and see the duplicate objects. Opening one of the objects and saving without any changes gives the usual Uniqueconstraints error message. I did try unique together and I was faced with the same exact behavior.
     10It is not crashing, the object is created successfully and I get the green success message I can even go to the Skill_level admin page and see the duplicate objects. Opening one of the objects and saving without any changes gives the usual Uniqueconstraints error message. I did try unique together and I was faced with the same exact behavior. I tagged the bug as release blocker because adding duplicate objects will cause critical errors in my application. I may end up converting this model to multiple foreign key models until this issue is fixed.
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