#33893 closed Bug (fixed)
Admin add model page incorrectly redirects
Description ¶
In the admin when clicking "add model +" I fill out the fields to create my item then when I click "Save and add another" or "Save and continue editing" it redirects back to the model list view even though the item was added successfully. If I click back on to the item to edit it the buttons work how they should.
Looks like "_addanother" isn't in the request.POST: https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/contrib/admin/options.py#L1388
The name on the input isn't being passed with the form submit: https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/submit_line.html#L6
If I comment out overriding the submit it works as expected: https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/contrib/admin/static/admin/js/change_form.js#L11:L19
Also when editing an item that has already been created "modelName" is undefined so the submit buttons don't get overridden: https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/contrib/admin/static/admin/js/change_form.js#L8
So works when editing, but not when adding a new item.
I think this change is causing the issue? https://github.com/django/django/commit/fe7dbef5867c577995f0fc849d8dfdb8f2e6bbfa
Change History (22)
comment:1 by , 3 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:2 by , 3 years ago
Cc: | added |
Severity: | Normal → Release blocker |
Triage Stage: | Unreviewed → Accepted |
comment:3 by , 3 years ago
Maybe we should simply revert the regression commit, as it seems the remedy is worse than the disease.
comment:4 by , 3 years ago
HTMLFormElement.submit() (MDN):
<input> with attribute type="submit" will not be submitted with the form when using HTMLFormElement.submit(), but it would be submitted when you do it with original HTML form submit.
So I guess we'd need to add a hidden element for the button clicked... gah... — leaning too overly complex (as per Claude's take.)
Marcelo do you have a thought here?
comment:5 by , 3 years ago
I can add the hidden input, but I'm agree with Claude: It would add complexity+.
I am wondering if there is another strategy like we did in https://github.com/django/django/pull/15229 (disable buttons, but it was no good for accessibility).
Anyway, when I was working on this ticket, if I'm not wrong, after do a double submission the user will see two notifications (the green toasts), right? So it could handle the 'bug' deleting the second copy.
follow-up: 8 comment:7 by , 3 years ago
Fabian, Would you like to prepare a patch? You can use git revert fe7dbef5867c577995f0fc849d8dfdb8f2e6bbfa
and add release notes to the 4.1.1.txt
comment:8 by , 3 years ago
Replying to Mariusz Felisiak:
Fabian, Would you like to prepare a patch? You can use
git revert fe7dbef5867c577995f0fc849d8dfdb8f2e6bbfa
and add release notes to the4.1.1.txt
Yea, I'll look into it.
comment:9 by , 3 years ago
Fixed in this pull request: https://github.com/django/django/pull/15917
comment:11 by , 3 years ago
Has patch: | set |
Needs tests: | set |
comment:12 by , 3 years ago
Needs tests: | unset |
Triage Stage: | Accepted → Ready for checkin |
comment:16 by , 2 years ago
I don't get it, so was it "fixed" then or not? I still have this problem and my ticket was closed bc it's a "duplicate" of this one.
comment:20 by , 2 years ago
Replying to Claude Paroz:
Did you try after emptying the browser cache?
I did not... and it worked flawlessly after I flushed it. I'm sorry for writing the comment without first trying such a basic thing. What fooled me was that I wasn't expecting content to be cached when running the development server.
comment:21 by , 2 years ago
If I thought about this, this means I was bitten by this, too (I reported such a wrong issue not long ago!).
comment:22 by , 2 years ago
...What fooled me was that I wasn't expecting content to be cached when running the development server.
If I thought about this, this means I was bitten by this, too (I reported such a wrong issue not long ago!).
(Reading as those two clauses are directly related.)
Telling the browser not to cache in development (presumably by setting an explicit max age of 0) was discussed in #32981 (see also #33148 and #27572).
A trip via the DevelopersMailingList to discuss re-opening would be available. (Generally I want the browser to cache even in development, because otherwise it's hard to test the real behaviour: developer tools have commands to empty the cache, and toggles for disabling that cache, with or without the web tools console open, so I'm not sure myself there's a need to add it, but it may be worth a discussion.)
Thanks for the report! Regression in fe7dbef5867c577995f0fc849d8dfdb8f2e6bbfa.