Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #33757

Jun 2, 2022, 4:32:21 AM (3 years ago)

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the quick responses. I'll try to clarify:

Following the docs with Django version 4.0.4 to write my first unit tests, I failed to upload a file under a given keyword with the name / attachment pattern

The docs state:

>>> c = Client()
>>> with open('wishlist.doc', 'rb') as fp:
...'/customers/wishes/', {'name': 'fred', 'attachment': fp})

The name *attachment* here is not relevant; use whatever name your file-processing code expects.

This made me assume that the file given via the file pointer will be accessible via the keyword fred.

This test works because the endpoint being called (contrary to what I would expect) checks the keyword of the file pointer (fiel_field in this case) and the name separately.

Reading the docs for a third time now I get the meaning.

What I don't understand is why the keyword 'name' is there, and why doesn't it simply say something like:

To submit a file, provide a file handle to the file you wish to upload as a value. For example:

>>> c = Client()
>>> with open('wishlist.doc', 'rb') as fp:
...'/customers/wishes/', {'wishes_file': fp})

will be accessible via request.FILES['wishes_file']

Again thanks for your time. I get now that this is something that probably only confuses new comers like my self.


  • Ticket #33757

    • Property Summary documentation is documentation is confusing
  • TabularUnified Ticket #33757 – Description

    initial v3  
    11Following []
    2 with Django version 4.0.4 to write my first unit tests, I failed to upload a file.
    4 As described there, I tried
    5 {{{#!python
     2with Django version 4.0.4 to write my first unit tests, I failed to upload a file under a given keyword *with the *name* / *attachment* pattern*
     4As described there, I tried to set *name* and *file pointer* like this:
     5> Submitting files is a special case. To POST a file, you need only provide the file field name as a key, and a file handle to the file you wish to upload as a value. For example:
     6> {{{#!python
    67with open('mal.csv', 'rb') as fp:
    78'/post/endpoint/', {'name': 'fred', 'attachment': fp})
    9 And assumed that (as described there)
    10 > The name attachment here is not relevant; use whatever name your file-processing code expects.
     10> The name *attachment* here is not relevant; use whatever name your file-processing code expects.
    12 This made the test fail. Printing request.FILES returned:
    13 `<MultiValueDict: {'attachment': [<InMemoryUploadedFile: mal.csv (text/csv)>]}>`
     12This made me assume that the file given via the filepointer will be accessible via the keyword `fred`.
    15 What worked was the (way more intuitive)
     14This [test]( works because the [endpoint being called]( (contrary to what I would expect) checks the keyword of the file pointer (`fiel_field` in this case) and the `name` separately.
     16What I wanted was
    1718with open('mal.csv', 'rb') as fp:
    18'/post/entpoint/', {'name': 'fred', 'attachment': fp})
    19 # <MultiValueDict: {'fred': [<InMemoryUploadedFile: mal.csv (text/csv)>]}>
     19'/post/endpoint/', {'fred': fp})
     21as (contraty to what is written in the docs) **name** is not required
    22 I did not check:
    23 *  since when the documentation is obsolete
    24 * if this is intended behavior
     24Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the quick responses.
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