Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #33647, comment 5

Apr 19, 2022, 3:56:33 AM (3 years ago)


  • TabularUnified Ticket #33647, comment 5

    initial v1  
    1111Imho the second point can be done, it just needs someone with time and enough dedication (well I can try that, but would need serious help, as I lack deeper knowledge of ORM internals).
    13 The last point is more tricky - how to deal with older or incompatible database engines here? Create a fallback (current implementation)? Or just confront users with "nope, not supported here, get a newer/compatible db engine"? It also raises the question, where to park the actually implementation - while the ORM itself could blueprint the UPDATE FROM VALUES pattern in ORM style, the backends would have to translate it into their very own style, or even substyles for mysql (mysql8 != mariadb here).
     13The last point is more tricky - how to deal with older or incompatible database engines here? Create a fallback (current implementation)? Or just confront users with "nope, not supported here, get a newer/compatible db engine"? It also raises the question, where to park the actual implementation - while the ORM itself could blueprint the UPDATE FROM VALUES pattern in ORM style, the backends would have to translate it into their very own style, or even substyles for mysql (mysql8 != mariadb here).
    1515I guess that such a ground-shaking change to django would need some sort of consensus first?
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