Opened 3 years ago
Last modified 3 years ago
#33192 closed Bug
It is not possible to use a custom lookup/transorm in a CheckConstraint — at Version 1
Description (last modified by ) ¶
Using a custom lookup or transform in a CheckContraint make migrate command fail.
class MonthLastDay(Transform): lookup_name = "month_last_day" output_field = DateField() template = "(DATE_TRUNC('month', %(expressions)s) + (interval '1 month - 1 day'))::date" DateField.register_lookup(MonthLastDay) class MyModel(models.Model): class Meta: constraints = [ CheckConstraint(check=Q(date__month_last_day__gte=F("period_start")), name="date_month_end_after_period_start"), ] date = models.DateField() period_start = models.DateField()
django makemigrations command does not indicate any issue with this and make use of month_last_day
lookup as if it know about it.
Migration command for this contraint:
migrations.AddConstraint( model_name='projectperiodchargetypetaskmonthbudget', constraint=models.CheckConstraint( check=models.Q( ('date__month_last_day__gte', django.db.models.expressions.F('period_start')) ), name='project_period_charge_type_task_month_budget_month_in_period'), ),
django migrate command fail indicating that date__month_last_day
join is not possible
django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Joined field references are not permitted in this query
I'm not sure what could be done. May be the documentation should warn to not use custom lookup/transform in CheckContraint.