Hi Jake — thanks for the report. It's a tricky one.
I'm not 100% clear what the correct response here should be. Can I ask you to follow up with more details to the i18n category on the Django Forum so we can get some more eyes on this?
What's the localization story we can tell for parameters in translated error messages? 🤔
e.g. limit_value
in message = _('Ensure this value is greater than or equal to %(limit_value)s.')
Testing myself, I don't quite see the behaviour you're pointing to…
With es
import decimal
from django import forms
class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
value = forms.DecimalField(
I see
>>> from forms import ExampleForm
>>> f = ExampleForm(data={'value':'1'})
>>> f.is_valid()
>>> f.errors
{'value': ['Asegúrese de que este valor es mayor o igual a 10.']}
Rather than 10.00
from your screenshot.
So, when you post, can you provide the full reproduce so we're all on exactly the same page? Thanks!
I'll close as needsinfo here for the moment, but we can adjust that based on the discussion.
(I hope that makes sense.)