Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #33061, comment 4

Aug 26, 2021, 11:34:27 PM (4 years ago)
Chris Jerdonek


  • Ticket #33061, comment 4

    initial v1  
    11> Why do you think that we should raise an error in this case?
    3 It's not that an error should be raised from nothing. It's that `ValueError` should be raised instead of `LibraryValueNotFoundException`. If you look at the links to the code I provided, the `delta < 0` code path isn't inside the try-except block a line later where that conversion takes place for the `delta >= 0` case. Please look, and you will see what I mean. This would just affect backends that derive from `BaseMemcachedCache`.
     3It's not that an error should be raised from nothing. It's that `ValueError` should be raised instead of `LibraryValueNotFoundException` (or returning `None`) when a key is missing. If you look at the links to the code I provided, the `delta < 0` code path isn't inside the try-except block a line later where that conversion takes place for the `delta >= 0` case. This would affect only some backends that derive from `BaseMemcachedCache`. I'm including the `incr()` method in full below to make it easier to see. The comment below has more details:
     6def incr(self, key, delta=1, version=None):
     7    key = self.make_key(key, version=version)
     8    # memcached doesn't support a negative delta
     9    if delta < 0:
     10        return self._cache.decr(key, -delta)
     11    try:
     12        val = self._cache.incr(key, delta)
     14    # python-memcache responds to incr on non-existent keys by
     15    # raising a ValueError, pylibmc by raising a pylibmc.NotFound
     16    # and Cmemcache returns None. In all cases,
     17    # we should raise a ValueError though.
     18    except self.LibraryValueNotFoundException:
     19        val = None
     20    if val is None:
     21        raise ValueError("Key '%s' not found" % key)
     22    return val
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