Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #32659, comment 9

Jun 19, 2021, 12:39:51 PM (3 years ago)
Erik van Widenfelt


  • Ticket #32659, comment 9

    v1 v2  
    1 This had nothing to do with caching or `collectstatic` for me. I traced it to the `admin_site` attribute of `AutocompleteJsonView`.The view tries to get the `model_admin` class for the `remote model` from Django's default admin site. If you registered your remote model in a custom admin site a `KeyError` is raised (line 84). This behavior has changed from 3.1.12 to 3.2.0
     1This had nothing to do with caching or `collectstatic` for me. I traced it to the `admin_site` attribute of `AutocompleteJsonView`.The view tries to get the `model_admin` class for the `remote model` from Django's default admin site. If you registered your remote model in a custom admin site a `KeyError` is raised (line 84). This behavior has changed from 3.1.12 to 3.2.0.
     3A quick/dirty fix is to scan through the registered `AdminSites` in `all_sites` for the `admin_site ` that has registered the `remote_model`:
     7        # django/contrib/admin/views/
     9        from django.contrib.admin.sites import all_sites
     11        ....
     13        # find the correct admin site for this remote model
     14        try:
     15            admin_site = [s for s in all_sites if s.is_registered(remote_model)][0]
     16        except IndexError as e:
     17            raise PermissionDenied from e
     19        # continue as before and get the model admin class from the admin site
     20        try:
     21            model_admin = admin_site._registry[remote_model]
     22        except KeyError as e:
     23            raise PermissionDenied from e
     25        # Validate suitability of objects.
     26        ....
     29Note that you cannot just register the `remote_model` with the default admin site. The `remote_model` needs to be registered to the same admin class as the `source_model`.
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