Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #32587

Mar 24, 2021, 7:10:36 AM (4 years ago)
Andreas Galazis


  • Ticket #32587 – Description

    v3 v4  
    11This would help support prefetching configuration on parent admin's queryset.
    2 This is not sufficient to support prefetching since there are multiple (I have found at least 3) instances in inline admin ans inline formset where self.get_queryset()[i] paradigm is used.
     2This is not sufficient to support prefetching since there are multiple (I have found at least 3) instances in inline admin and inline formset where `self.get_queryset()[i]` paradigm is used.
    44At least perform some code cleanup?
    6 Even if this issue a won't fix for any reason at least abstract fetching instance by in index in a `ge_instance_by_index` method so that we can implement admins that do what we want of top of current base classes. If this is done then we will be able to overwrite ge_instance_by_index to return `list(self.get_queryset())[i]` 
    7  instead of `self.get_queryset()[i]` on inlines that support prefetching
     6Even if this issue a won't fix for any reason at least abstract fetching instance by in index in a `ge_instance_by_index` method so that we can implement admins that do what we want of top of current base classes. If this is done then we will be able to overwrite ge_instance_by_index to return `list(self.get_queryset())[i]`   instead of `self.get_queryset()[i]` on inlines that support prefetching
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