Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #32577, comment 16

Apr 6, 2022, 4:19:06 AM (3 years ago)


  • TabularUnified Ticket #32577, comment 16

    initial v1  
    1 In my opinion allowing users to use uuid as DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD isn't good unless top db providers (Oracle, MS SQL, Postgres, SQLite) will support it in db as a kind of sequence and they will introduce uuid as auto primary key type.
     1In my opinion allowing users to use uuid as DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD isn't good unless top db providers (Oracle, MS SQL, IBM, Postgres, SQLite) will support it in db as a kind of sequence and they will introduce uuid as auto primary key type.
    33DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD is dedicated to create id field in every model. I can imagine some situation where UUID is better than INT as Primary Key, but in most cases it isn't. If it was, the top db providers would implement it a long time ago.
    77AutoField in Django that can be DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD uses db sequence that gives 100% unique values.
    912If UUIDAutoField is created in Django based on @Nick Pope proposal (RandomUUID), it will be worth to add in documentation that **it doesn't qurantee that value is unique**.
    1114But, definitely, it is worth to allow users to create a custom AutoField based on any other field type (as reported in #17337), maybe except Text/Boolean types, and use it as PK. Anyone can then create their own UUIDAutoField and take responsibility for uniques.
     15See last comment [ here]
     16"So yes, having a sequence PK (that stays hidden) and a GUID UK (that customers see) can be a good option"
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