Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #31931

Aug 23, 2020, 2:11:04 AM (5 years ago)

You just close this like that, are you kidding no investigation at all! I can tell you the problem is django 3 as i test this by only updating it. On any filter query with relation and django rest framework serializing foreign key this is 10 times slower than under django 2. A little investigation on your side is requested. Don't put this under the carpet.

Here are my requirements:

asgiref==3.2.10 astroid==2.4.2 cairocffi==1.1.0 CairoSVG==2.4.2 certifi==2020.6.20 cffi==1.14.1 chardet==3.0.4 cssselect2==0.3.0 DateTimeRange==1.0.0 defusedxml==0.6.0 Django==3.1 django-cleanup==5.0.0 django-cors-headers==3.4.0 django-countries==6.1.2 django-crontab==0.7.1 django-extensions==3.0.5 django-filter==2.3.0 django-maintenance-mode==0.14.0 django-model-utils==4.0.0 django-optimistic-lock==1.0.0 django-stubs==1.5.0 django-unused-media==0.2.0 djangorestframework==3.11.1 djangorestframework-stubs==1.2.0 djangorestframework-xml==2.0.0 dnspython==2.0.0 filelock==3.0.12 fpdf==1.7.2 html5lib==1.1 icalendar==4.0.6 idna==2.10 isort==5.3.2 lazy-object-proxy==1.5.1 mbstrdecoder==1.0.0 mccabe==0.6.1 mongoengine==0.20.0 mypy==0.782 mypy-extensions==0.4.3 packaging==20.4 pdfrw==0.4 Pillow==7.2.0 pipdeptree==1.0.0 psycopg2-binary==2.8.5 py3-validate-email==0.2.9 pycparser==2.20 pylint==2.5.3 pymongo==3.11.0 pyparsing==2.4.7 Pyphen==0.9.5 python-dateutil==2.8.1 python-magic==0.4.18 pytz==2020.1 pyuca==1.2 requests==2.24.0 sentry-sdk==0.16.3 six==1.15.0 sqlparse==0.3.1 swapper==1.1.2.post1 tinycss2==1.0.2 toml==0.10.1 tqdm==4.48.2 typed-ast==1.4.1 typepy==1.1.1 typing== typing-extensions== urllib3==1.25.10 WeasyPrint==51 webencodings==0.5.1 wrapt==1.12.1



  • Ticket #31931

    • Property Component UncategorizedDatabase layer (models, ORM)
    • Property Severity Release blockerNormal
    • Property Summary Django 3 is really after upgrade from django 2Django 3 performance regression.
  • Ticket #31931 – Description

    initial v3  
    11After upgrading from the latest django 2 version, i experience real slowness.
    22Django 3 is really really slow!
    3 I use pm2 to start my app and my database is a PosgresSQL 10.2 running on a ubuntu 18.04.4 with Python 3.6.9
     3I use pm2 to start my app and my database is a PosgresSQL 12 running on a ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.8
    44I don't understand why this is so slow... Maybe you can help me understand this
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