Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #31924, comment 4

Aug 26, 2020, 1:10:43 PM (5 years ago)
Zach Waggoner


  • Ticket #31924, comment 4

    v4 v5  
    22> It looks that Django doesn't recognize that your system's terminal supports color, we have an open ticket to improve detection on Windows, see #31216. You may also fake the installation of `ANSICON` by setting the appropriate environmental variable, `ANSICON="on"`. Please use one of [ support channels].
    4 I'm on macOS, but I already expect that Django would not recognize that the execution context supports color because it is being run in a non-TTY context (through honcho). The point of `--force-color` is to bypass the color support detection altogether and output colors anyway. Running `runserver` directly (not within honcho) ''does'' output colors. Furthermore, running a different management command like `migrate` with the `--force-color` option within honcho preserves the color output, as expected. Therefore the problem is specific to `runserver`.
     4I'm on macOS, but I already expect that Django would not recognize that the execution context supports color because it is being run in a non-TTY context (through honcho). The point of `--force-color` is to bypass the color support detection altogether and output colors anyway—''that'' is what I'm saying doesn't work for `runserver`. Running `runserver` directly (not within honcho) ''does'' output colors. Furthermore, running a different management command like `migrate` with the `--force-color` option within honcho preserves the color output, as expected. Therefore the problem is specific to `runserver`.
    66I glanced through the source code, and it looks like `` handles the `--force-color` option by setting ` = color_style(force_color)`. Then the specific commands which inherit from `BaseCommand`, like `migrate`, use `` when writing to stdout. However, `runserver`, while inheriting from `BaseCommand`, doesn't ever reference ``, nor does it do anything else with `--force-color`. Instead, the `style` object is defined in `django.utils.log.ServerFormatter` as ` = color_style()`, so `force_color` is ''never'' `True` regardless of any environment variables. That is why I said in my original comment that the current way to solve this is to override `ServerFormatter`, but it seems like Django could support `--force-color` for `runserver`, perhaps by setting an environment variable that is picked up by the default `ServerFormatter`? Or if there are reasons not to do this, then perhaps the documentation should be updated to note that `runserver` does not support `--force-color`.
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