Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #31595

May 16, 2020, 3:10:35 AM (5 years ago)
Akshay Salunke

Replying to akshaysalunke13:

So, I have a DateField in my model and have also set I18N & L10N to True in settings. When a browser running en-AU locale visits the website, Django tries to parse the value read from model, using the first value in DATE_INPUT_FORMATS from /conf.

The bug is when a user in en-AU locale visits the website, Django reads the Datefield value from model and tries to localize it for en-AU locale (from DATE_INPUT_FORMATS in /conf/en_AU) to this format '%d/%m/%Y', but html5 requires the value for <input type="date"> to be explicitly in this format: yyyy-MM-dd. [ref]( [ref2](

This causes an error in chrome dev console and the HTML date field rendered without the date read from the model.

This bug goes away when I disable L10N in settings. I am able to reproduce this bug in en-AU and en-GB


  • TabularUnified Ticket #31595 – Description

    v1 v2  
    11So, I have a DateField in my model and have also set **I18N & L10N** to `True`  in settings. When a browser running `en-AU` locale visits the website, Django tries to parse the value read from model, using the first value in `DATE_INPUT_FORMATS` from /conf.
    3 The bug is when a user in `en-AU` locale visits the website, Django reads the Datefield value from model and tries to localize it for `en-AU` locale (from `DATE_INPUT_FORMATS` in /conf/en_AU) to this format `'%d/%m/%Y'`, but html5 requires the `value` for `<input type="date">` to be explicitly in this format: yyyy-MM-dd. [ref]( [ref2](
     3The bug is when a user in `en-AU` locale visits the website, Django reads the Datefield value from model and tries to localize it for `en-AU` locale (from `DATE_INPUT_FORMATS` in /conf/en_AU) to this format `'%d/%m/%Y'`, but html5 requires the `value` for `<input type="date">` to be explicitly in this format: yyyy-MM-dd. [[| ref1]] [[ | ref2]]
    55This causes an error in chrome dev console and the HTML date field rendered without the date read from the model.[[Image(]]
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