Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#31096 closed New feature

Massively improving ManyToMany caching when using in forms — at Version 1

Reported by: László Károlyi Owned by: nobody
Component: Forms Version: 3.0
Severity: Normal Keywords: ORM Caching Forms ManyToMany
Cc: Triage Stage: Unreviewed
Has patch: yes Needs documentation: yes
Needs tests: yes Patch needs improvement: yes
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:How to create a pull request

Description (last modified by László Károlyi)


after about half a day of investigating, I think I can provide a meaningful improvement to Django. Let me describe the issue:

If you have a ModelForm that has ManyToMany fields after saving the relations, the cache — with all the prefetch_related() and select_related() queryset adjustments you might have used on the ModelMultipleChoiceField's — will be lost. This often results in tons of unnecessary DB queries when using the saved instance from the ModelForm, because the relations on the newly constructed instance won't be cached yet, although they store the already adjusted relations from the form.

My solution here goes down to ManyToManyField.save_form_data() to fix the problem, and patches it to store the cleaned/validated ModelMultipleChoiceField result on the model instance, thus keeping queryset optimizations, and results.

I have a complete module for manipulating Django's ORM query caches on ForeingKey and ManyToMany fields, I'll paste that here for further review/improvement (it might not be perfect but works well for me), down at the bottom is the hot-replacing of the ManyToManyField.save_form_data().

Feel free to comment on it, but as a result, this change have saved me lots of DB queries when I log from the saved instance after the part. This module might spark some other ideas on behalf of core devs as to how to optimize the ORM further.

The only downside I saw so far with this change is, it seems to ignore the Model ordering for some reason, so I had to patch my tests for flakyness.

Here the module:

from typing import Iterable, Optional

from django import VERSION
from django.db.models.base import Model
from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToManyField
from django.db.models.fields.reverse_related import ManyToOneRel
from django.db.models.manager import Manager
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet

def invalidate_onetomany(objs: Iterable[Model], prefetch_keys: Iterable[str]):
    Invalidate one-to-many caches. These are remote `ForeignKey` and
    `ManyToManyField` fields fetched with `prefetch_related()`.
    if VERSION[0] == 1 or VERSION[0] == 2:
        for obj in objs:
            if not hasattr(obj, '_prefetched_objects_cache'):
            for key in prefetch_keys:
                if key not in obj._prefetched_objects_cache:
                del obj._prefetched_objects_cache[key]

def invalidate_manytoone(objs: Iterable[Model], field_names: Iterable[str]):
    Invalidate many-to-one caches. These are `ForeignKey` and
    `OneToOneField` fields fetched with `select_related()` or
    if VERSION[0] == 1:
        for obj in objs:
            for field_name in field_names:
                if not is_fk_cached(obj=obj, field_name=field_name):
                del obj.__dict__[f'_{field_name}_cache']
    elif VERSION[0] == 2:
        for obj in objs:
            for field_name in field_names:
                if not is_fk_cached(obj=obj, field_name=field_name):
                del obj._state.fields_cache[field_name]

def get_prefetch_cache_key(relation: Manager) -> str:
    'Return a key used in the prefetched cache for a relation.'
        # Works on ManyToMany
        return relation.prefetch_cache_name
    except AttributeError:
        # Is a ForeignKey (OneToMany)
        rel_field = relation.field.remote_field  # type: ManyToOneRel
        if rel_field.related_name:
            return rel_field.related_name
        if VERSION[0] == 1:
        elif VERSION[0] == 2:
            return f'{}_set'

def init_prefetch_cache(obj: Model):
    'Init a prefetch cache on the model.'
    if VERSION[0] == 1 or VERSION[0] == 2:
        if hasattr(obj, '_prefetched_objects_cache'):
        obj._prefetched_objects_cache = {}

def is_query_prefetched(relation: Manager) -> bool:
    'Return `True` if the relation is prefetched.'
    if VERSION[0] == 1 or VERSION[0] == 2:
        obj = relation.instance
        if not hasattr(obj, '_prefetched_objects_cache'):
            return False
        prefetch_cache_key = get_prefetch_cache_key(relation=relation)
        return prefetch_cache_key in obj._prefetched_objects_cache
    return False

def set_prefetch_cache(
        relation: Manager, queryset: QuerySet, override: bool = True):
    'Set prefetch cache on a `Model` for a relation.'
    if is_query_prefetched(relation=relation) and not override:
    obj = relation.instance
    if VERSION[0] == 1 or VERSION[0] == 2:
        key = get_prefetch_cache_key(relation=relation)
        obj._prefetched_objects_cache[key] = queryset

def is_queryresult_loaded(qs: QuerySet) -> bool:
    'Return `True` if the query is loaded, `False` otherwise.'
    if VERSION[0] == 1 or VERSION[0] == 2:
        return qs._result_cache is not None
    return False

def set_queryresult(qs: QuerySet, result: list, override: bool = True):
    'Set result on a previously setup query.'
    if VERSION[0] == 1 or VERSION[0] == 2:
        if override or not is_queryresult_loaded(qs=qs):
            qs._result_cache = result

def get_queryresult(qs: QuerySet) -> Optional[list]:
    'Return the cached query result of the passed `QuerySet`.'
    if VERSION[0] == 1 or VERSION[0] == 2:
        return qs._result_cache

def is_fk_cached(obj: Model, field_name: str) -> bool:
    'Return `True` if the `ForeignKey` field on the object is cached.'
    if VERSION[0] == 1:
        return hasattr(obj, f'_{field_name}_cache')
    elif VERSION[0] == 2:
        if getattr(obj, '_state', None) is None or \
                getattr(obj._state, 'fields_cache', None) is None:
            return False
        return field_name in obj._state.fields_cache
    return False

def set_fk_cache(
        obj: Model, field_name: str, value: Model, override: bool = True):
    Set a cache on the `obj` for a `ForeignKey` field, override when
    if is_fk_cached(obj=obj, field_name=field_name) and not override:
    if VERSION[0] == 1:
        setattr(obj, f'_{field_name}_cache', value)
    elif VERSION[0] == 2:
        if getattr(obj, '_state', None) is None:
            obj._state = dict()
        if getattr(obj._state, 'fields_cache', None) is None:
            obj._state.fields_cache = dict()
        obj._state.fields_cache[field_name] = value

def del_fk_cache(obj: Model, field_name: str):
    'Delete a cached `ForeignKey` on the `Model`.'
    if not is_fk_cached(obj=obj, field_name=field_name):
    if VERSION[0] == 1:
        delattr(obj, f'_{field_name}_cache')
    elif VERSION[0] == 2:
        del obj._state.fields_cache

_old_m2m_savedata = ManyToManyField.save_form_data

def _save_m2m_form_data(
        self: ManyToManyField, instance: Model, data: QuerySet):
    _old_m2m_savedata(self=self, instance=instance, data=data)
        relation=getattr(instance,, queryset=data, override=True)

ManyToManyField.save_form_data = _save_m2m_form_data

Change History (1)

comment:1 by László Károlyi, 5 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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