Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #30835, comment 2

Oct 4, 2019, 11:18:52 AM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #30835, comment 2

    v3 v4  
    33> The post_delete signal is explicitly sent within the same transaction as the actual deletion to ensure database changes performed in the receivers are tied to the transaction.
    5 Ah.  I now understand why it is written the way it is.  But it is certainly not clear from the documentation that the {{{post_delete}}} signal is suitable only for other database activities and is unsuitable for things like sending a notification.  I do think that with a name like {{{post_delete}}}, it would be natural to assume that the deletion had actually been committed before sending the signal.  In fact, in the docs for {{{post_delete}}}, it explicitly says that the instance passed ''will not exist in the database'' at that point.
     5Ah.  I now understand why it is written the way it is.  But it is certainly not clear from the documentation that the {{{post_delete}}} signal is suitable only for other database activities and is unsuitable for things like sending a notification.  I do think that with a name like {{{post_delete}}}, it would be natural to assume that the deletion had actually been committed before sending the signal.  In fact, in the docs for {{{post_delete}}}, it explicitly says that the instance passed ''will not exist in the database'' at that point, which is technically true but a bit misleading since it could exist again almost immediately.
    77> If you need to perform changes once the deletion of objects is committed you should use transaction.on_commit to defer their execution.
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