Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #29377

May 3, 2018, 8:43:51 AM (6 years ago)
Maximiliano Robaina


  • Ticket #29377

    • Property Cc Maximiliano Robaina added
  • Ticket #29377 – Description

    initial v3  
    1 This feature request is to better support  of third-party database backends.
    2 In my case (Firebird SQL) to add a new field on already existing and populated table is not enough set and drop a default value, we need to update the new field with efective default value. It is not possible without commit the schema alteration.
     1A nice option would be to have a hook to run DML statements after all migrations were applied and commited.
     3A uses case  (for example in Firebird SQL) is to add a new field on already existing and populated table. Is not enough set and drop a default value, we need to update the new field with efective default value. It is not possible without commit the schema alteration.
    34An aproach could be to have a kind of hook to run sql statements (DML statement in this case) when the schema  altereation finished (and commited). Of course, must bu runned in another transaction.
     6This feature request is to better support of third-party database backends.
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