Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #29249, comment 2

Mar 24, 2018, 6:32:07 PM (7 years ago)
Tim Graham


  • Ticket #29249, comment 2

    initial v1  
    1 The JSON serializer has a `ensure_ascii` attribute and the YAML serializer has a `allow_unicode` attribute. I already sumitted a [PR]( implemeting the flag in both serializers.
     1The JSON serializer has a `ensure_ascii` attribute and the YAML serializer has a `allow_unicode` attribute. I already submitted a [ PR] implementing the flag in both serializers.
    3 I haven't looked at the XML serializer yet but i'm sure it will be possible there as well.
     3I haven't looked at the XML serializer yet but I'm sure it will be possible there as well.
    5 As someone who works with unicode as the primary language for most apps (as i'm sure a lot of other developers do) it's a very a usefull feature to be able to dump fixtures directly from local db in a readbale format.
     5As someone who works with unicode as the primary language for most apps (as I'm sure a lot of other developers do) it's a very a useful feature to be able to dump fixtures directly from local db in a readable format.
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