Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #29233

Mar 17, 2018, 8:59:05 PM (7 years ago)
marton bognar


  • Ticket #29233 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 In English grammar apostrophes should not be used to make regular nouns plural [ (Rule 2b.)]. In the current documentation (at least in some places, including the default screen for new Django installations) the word is written as "how-to's" instead of the form "how-tos". One could argue whether "how-to" is a regular noun, but I think in this case more confusion can stem from the first form than the second.
     1In English grammar apostrophes should not be used to make regular nouns plural [ (Rule 2b.)]. In the current documentation (at least in some places, including the default screen for new Django installations) the word is written as "how-to's" instead of the form "how-tos". One could argue whether "how-to" is a regular noun, but I think in this case more confusion can stem from the usage of the first form than the second.
    33I will gladly create a PR for this issue if you agree with me, but I'm not sure whether the locale message id (msgid "Topics, references, & how-to's") should be changed as well or preserved in the current form for possible legacy reasons.
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