Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #29114, comment 1

Feb 5, 2018, 2:18:43 PM (7 years ago)
Ramiro Morales


  • Ticket #29114, comment 1

    v2 v3  
    1 Please prove more details on what steps you've performed before reaching this point. like:
     1Please provide more details on what steps you've performed before reaching this point. like:
    33* How have you installed Django
    66* Was this Django project working before?
    8 The traceback seems to have been cut but there traces of a `'traitlets'` Django application. Is it an app of yours or a third party one? Can you try the ``  commands you posted without removing that app first from the Django project? Or maybe create a new project and try the commands there so you can detect if the problem is actually caused by Django and not by broken/out of date apps.
     8The traceback seems to have been cut but there are traces of a `'traitlets'` Django application. Is it an app of yours or a third party one? Can you try the ``  commands you posted but after removing that app from the Django project? Or maybe create a new project and try the commands there so you can detect if the problem is actually caused by Django and not by broken/out of date apps.
    1010Please reopen if you can provide such information.
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