Changes between Initial Version and Version 6 of Ticket #29087

Aug 30, 2019, 2:30:55 PM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #29087

    • Property Triage Stage UnreviewedAccepted
    • Property Owner set to frnhr
    • Property Status newassigned
    • Property Has patch set
  • Ticket #29087 – Description

    initial v6  
    38383. Click '''SAVE'''. There will be a validation error, as expected, because last_name is not provided. However, the '''Delete''' button is missing: [[Image(]]
    39394. '''The user is now forced to either (a) fix the validation error or (b) reload the page, discarding all unrelated changes on the page. It is not possible for the user to fix the validation error by simply canceling/deleting the pending new record.'''
     45==== It is actually worse than that...
     47Another cause of validation errors can be uniqueness constraints. These errors can be difficult to fix and sometimes actually cannot be fixed. So it is totally possible that because of a validation error the user is **forced to reload the page**, there is no other choice.
     49Building on the models above, here is an example of a validation error that can be unsalvageable for users without the `create` permission for groups. New `Council` model is added, a foreign key from `Person` to `Council` is created and also a constraint with `unique_together = ('council', 'group')` is set.
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