Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #28862, comment 9

Dec 6, 2017, 5:03:44 AM (7 years ago)
Ramiro Morales


  • Ticket #28862, comment 9

    initial v1  
    44The point I tried to make in comment:6 is that this reasoning (and hence the asserts of the test case) is wrong because if the user removes a field from the model and from Meta.*_together (the test case scenario) then it's wrong to optimize the sequence to have te RemoveField first even it it doesn't mention any of the fields which will remain in *_together.
    6 The asserts in the test case examine the order and type of parts of the generated migration and don't fail because no DLL code is executed agaonst the DB at that point. The breakage happens at migration application time when it wants to execute the Alter*Together operation.
     6The asserts in the test case examine the order and type of parts of the generated migration and don't fail because no DDL code is executed against the DB at that point. The breakage happens at migration application time when it wants to execute the Alter*Together operation.
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