Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#28297 closed Bug

Same queryset result in two different queries on ORM — at Version 1

Reported by: Marcus Renno Owned by: nobody
Component: Database layer (models, ORM) Version: 1.11
Severity: Normal Keywords: join, annotation, F
Cc: akaariai@…, tom@…, jeppe@… Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: no Needs documentation: no
Needs tests: no Patch needs improvement: no
Easy pickings: no UI/UX: no
Pull Requests:8631 unmerged, 8640 unmerged

Description (last modified by Marcus Renno)

Sometimes when I run a set of filter/annotation the result is different for the same variables.

This is the queryset command:

ingredients = ['tomato']
self.queryset = Recipe.objects.all()
self.queryset = self.queryset.annotate(total=Count('steps__ingredients', distinct=True))
self.queryset = self.queryset.filter(steps__ingredients__ingredient__name__in=ingredients)
self.queryset = self.queryset.annotate(available=Count('steps__ingredients', distinct=True))
self.queryset = self.queryset.filter(total=F('available'))

This is the wrong query result that comes often times:

SELECT,, recipebook_recipe.dificulty, recipebook_recipe.duration, COUNT(DISTINCT recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.recipeingredient_id) AS total, COUNT(DISTINCT recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.recipeingredient_id) AS available FROM recipebook_recipe LEFT OUTER JOIN recipebook_recipe_steps ON ( = recipebook_recipe_steps.recipe_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe ON (recipebook_recipe_steps.steprecipe_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients ON ( = recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.steprecipe_id) INNER JOIN recipebook_recipe_steps T6 ON ( = T6.recipe_id) INNER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe T7 ON (T6.steprecipe_id = INNER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients T8 ON ( = T8.steprecipe_id) INNER JOIN recipebook_recipeingredient T9 ON (T8.recipeingredient_id = INNER JOIN recipebook_ingredient ON (T9.ingredient_id = WHERE IN ("tomato") GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.recipeingredient_id) = (COUNT(DISTINCT recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.recipeingredient_id)) ORDER BY NULL

And this is the right query that shows up sometimes:

SELECT,, recipebook_recipe.dificulty, recipebook_recipe.duration, COUNT(DISTINCT recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.recipeingredient_id) AS total, COUNT(DISTINCT T8.recipeingredient_id) AS available FROM recipebook_recipe LEFT OUTER JOIN recipebook_recipe_steps ON ( = recipebook_recipe_steps.recipe_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe ON (recipebook_recipe_steps.steprecipe_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients ON ( = recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.steprecipe_id) INNER JOIN recipebook_recipe_steps T6 ON ( = T6.recipe_id) INNER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe T7 ON (T6.steprecipe_id = INNER JOIN recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients T8 ON ( = T8.steprecipe_id) INNER JOIN recipebook_recipeingredient T9 ON (T8.recipeingredient_id = INNER JOIN recipebook_ingredient ON (T9.ingredient_id = WHERE IN ("tomato") GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT recipebook_steprecipe_ingredients.recipeingredient_id) = (COUNT(DISTINCT T8.recipeingredient_id)) ORDER BY NULL

As you can see they are different. The wrong one does not set the variable 'available' appropriately. I wonder if this is something on the method .query.join()

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Marcus Renno, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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