Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #27983

Mar 24, 2017, 7:30:52 AM (8 years ago)
Tim Graham

Thanks for the feedback but I'm not sure what changes to make based on your feedback. The tutorial is designed to require some thinking rather than just copy/pasting entire files at each step. If you have some specific suggestions, feel free to offer them.


  • Ticket #27983

    • Property Component UncategorizedDocumentation
    • Property Resolutionwontfix
    • Property Status newclosed
    • Property Summary New userTutorial should contain complete files at each step
    • Property Type UncategorizedCleanup/optimization
  • TabularUnified Ticket #27983 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 In many places the site says to addd code, yet many of these strings of code are duplicates of other strings.
     1In many places the site says to add code, yet many of these strings of code are duplicates of other strings.
    33How am I supposed to know where to put the string...
    99Why don't you post the whole code at each junction rather than tease me as a new user with snippets when I have no idea where to put them in my code.
    11 I get it that this was designed by people with alot of experience... but for those of us who don't know django, how are we suppoed to learn if your code isn't following the python "explicitly labeled" mantra?
     11I get it that this was designed by people with a lot of experience... but for those of us who don't know django, how are we supposed to learn if your code isn't following the python "explicitly labeled" mantra?
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