Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #27683

Jan 3, 2017, 7:11:17 PM (8 years ago)
Karen Tracey

We really should do this! (Unfortunately I have no energy/time to devote. But I did fix up the ticket links in the description.)


  • TabularUnified Ticket #27683 – Description

    initial v3  
    11There have been plenty of bug reports and discussions about the problems caused for users by MySQL's implementation of the REPEATABLE READ transaction isolation level, and the fact that it is the default. Django is mostly written for READ COMMITTED; of all supported backends, MySQL is the only one to use a different level by default. Things will probably run more in line with users expectations under READ COMMITTED, and reusable apps' behavior will be more similar across database backends.
    3 Some history: This has been raised already in the [#13906 1.2 era], and possibly even before that; the question was raised in different forms [#14026 again] and [#21670 again] until one more [#26347 instance] caused it to be brought up on the mailing list. To be sure, it wasn't the first time the issue was brought to the list either, but [!msg/django-developers/6pWbpV1_6Us/a3CNmojACwAJ this discussion] seemed to conclude with a rough consensus that the default transaction isolation level for MySQL should change. As far as I'm aware, the issue has not been discussed since then.
     3Some history: This has been raised already in the [ticket:13906 1.2 era], and possibly even before that; the question was raised in different forms [ticket:14026 again] and [ticket:21670 again] until one more [ticket:26347 instance] caused it to be brought up on the mailing list. To be sure, it wasn't the first time the issue was brought to the list either, but [!msg/django-developers/6pWbpV1_6Us/a3CNmojACwAJ this discussion] seemed to conclude with a rough consensus that the default transaction isolation level for MySQL should change. As far as I'm aware, the issue has not been discussed since then.
    55There are two kinds of backwards-compatibility problems I already see with this change:
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