Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #27539, comment 8

Feb 1, 2017, 12:08:12 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #27539, comment 8

    v1 v2  
    1 So I have been working on this ticket and I have a question. Should the check to see if the ```len(self.queries_log) >= self.queries_log.maxlen``` be put in the make_debug_cursor or should it be put in the base of the CursorDebugWrapper class? If we put it in CursorDebugWrapper we will need to have all the executesql statements between a try and catch block. Currently the check is placed in the make_debug_cursor and an Exception is thrown once the  ```len(self.queries_log) >= self.queries_log.maxlen```. Another question I have is whether I should throw an exception or I should just clear the queries_log. If I use clear the assertNumQueries test fails.
     1So I have been working on this ticket and I have a question. Should the check to see if the ```len(self.queries_log) >= self.queries_log.maxlen``` be put in the make_debug_cursor or should it be put in the base of the CursorDebugWrapper class? If we put it in CursorDebugWrapper we will need to have all the executesql statements between a try and catch block. Currently the check is placed in the make_debug_cursor and an Exception is thrown once the  ```len(self.queries_log) >= self.queries_log.maxlen```. Another question I have is whether I should throw an exception or I should just clear the queries_log. If I use clear the assertNumQueries test fails. Also how about a change from version 1.10 to master?
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