Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #26790, comment 9

Oct 16, 2020, 7:43:42 PM (4 years ago)
Jacob Walls


  • Ticket #26790, comment 9

    initial v1  
    22- Adam replied on the mailing list that `EMAIL_FIELD` is a property on `AbstractBaseUser` in any event.
    33- The reporter was in favor of it for consistency with `normalize_username()`.
    4 - To pass the suite, as I [ explained on the mailing list], I needed to support subclasses of `AbstractBaseUser` that relied on `UserManager` rather than `BaseUserManager` to manage objects during the deprecation period. I would have needed to check if `normalize_user()` was on the manager, and if not, use the implementation on `AbstractUser`. This seems too involved.
     4- To pass the suite, as I [ explained on the mailing list], I needed to support subclasses of `AbstractBaseUser` that relied on `UserManager` rather than `BaseUserManager` to manage objects during the deprecation period. I would have needed to check if `normalize_email()` was on the manager, and if not, use the implementation on `AbstractUser`. This seems too involved.
    55- This gets us one step closer to deprecating `clean()` on `AbstractUser` in favor of `AbstractBaseUser.clean()`, although I haven't thought through the backward-compatibility ramifications of that ATM.
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