Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #26432

Mar 31, 2016, 3:57:55 AM (9 years ago)


  • TabularUnified Ticket #26432 – Description

    v4 v5  
    11When importing GeoTIF data through `GDALRaster` with `numpy` package installed all the array is a mess because of a reversed X/Y parameters passed to the `numpy.reshape()` function.
    2 I was able to see this bug by importing a GeoTIF via `GDALRaster`. The generated data did not make any sense so I decided to export the array to an image again to see if it was me doing shit or if there was a bug somewhere. When exporting the GeoTIF again to an image I get something really strange. You can see in attachements the original tif and the generated one that is not correct due to this X/Y mismatch. Here is the code to reproduce:
     2I was able to see this bug by importing a GeoTIF via `GDALRaster`. The generated data did not make any sense so I decided to export the array to an image again to see if it was me doing shit or if there was a bug somewhere. When exporting the GeoTIF again to an image I I ran into something really strange. You can see in attachements the original tif and the generated one that is not correct due to this X/Y mismatch. Here is the code to reproduce:
    44from PIL import Image
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