Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #26237

Feb 18, 2016, 2:04:07 PM (9 years ago)
Simon Charette

Hi MalikRumi,

I'm afraid this has nothing to do with Django.

From what I can see the first exception occurred because you forgot to quote the string you attempted to pass to the uuid.UUID constructor. You can get a similar exception by simply pasting the expression 61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74 in a Python shell.

The second exception occurred because you attempted to construct a uuid.UUID instance by referring to the uuid module which you has not imported in your shell global context. I guess you simply imported UUID from uuid (you did from uuid import UUID instead of import uuid).

I suppose you got confused because the representation of uuid.UUID objects (repr(uuid.UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74'))), which is what your shell is displaying by default in Out[N]:, always include the uuid module prefix.

In the future please stick to the support channel (like the thread on django-users@) until you get a confirmation this is actually a bug as this tracker is not meant to be used as a support platform.


  • Ticket #26237

    • Property Resolutioninvalid
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #26237 – Description

    initial v1  
    33Once I did the test suggested to me on SO, it became clear that this was not a json issue. That test was as follows:
    5         In [5]: e.uuid
    6         Out[5]: UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
    7         In [6]: uuid.UUID(61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74)
    8         File "<ipython-input-6-56137f5f4eb6>", line 1
    9         uuid.UUID(61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74)
    10                                                      ^
    11         SyntaxError: invalid syntax  # It doesn't show here for some reason, but the caret is pointing to the 4th '5' in the 12th position, from left to right.
     6In [5]: e.uuid
     7Out[5]: UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
     8In [6]: uuid.UUID(61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74)
     9File "<ipython-input-6-56137f5f4eb6>", line 1
     11                                              ^
     12SyntaxError: invalid syntax  # It doesn't show here for some reason, but the caret is pointing to the 4th '5' in the 12th position, from left to right.
    1315It did not matter if I copy pasted the uuid or retyped the whole thing by hand, I got the same error. If I quoted the uuid, I got a different error:
    15     In [7]: uuid.UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
    16     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    17     NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    18     <ipython-input-7-3b4d3e5bd156> in <module>()
    19     ----> 1 uuid.UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
     18In [7]: uuid.UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
     20NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
     21<ipython-input-7-3b4d3e5bd156> in <module>()
     22----> 1 uuid.UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
    21     NameError: name 'uuid' is not defined
     24NameError: name 'uuid' is not defined
    2327I am using Ubuntu 15.10, Django 1.9.1, Postgresql 9.4 and Python 2.7.10. I don't know if this a Python issue rather than a Django issue, but it can't, or shouldn't, be that Django/Python can't accept, recognize, or evaluate a uuid it generated seconds earlier.
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