Changes between Initial Version and Version 7 of Ticket #25941

Jan 10, 2017, 12:56:04 PM (8 years ago)
Anton Samarchyan


  • Ticket #25941

    • Property Triage Stage UnreviewedAccepted
    • Property Summary Supply a in the tests directory.Improve the error message for when Django isn't on the path
    • Property Type New featureCleanup/optimization
  • TabularUnified Ticket #25941 – Description

    initial v7  
    11Every time I think about contributing, literally the first thing I want to do is do a `git clone` and run the tests.
    2 This is currently annoying, because it requires (according to the documentation), my either adding the newly cloned directory to my path permanently (and knowing how to do that. I do, but it raises the barrier to entry for others) or having cloned it via git which intrinsically puts it on the path and smashes it into a `src` directory.
     2This is currently annoying, because it requires (according to the documentation), my either adding the newly cloned directory to my path permanently (and knowing how to do that. I do, but it raises the barrier to entry for others) or having cloned it via pip which intrinsically puts it on the path and smashes it into a `src` directory.
    44Instead, I have to go and look in the documentation (which is squirrelled away via `Documentation -> How to get involved -> Write unit tests`) and find `PYTHONPATH=..:$PYTHONPATH ./` because there's literally no chance I'm going to remember the specifics of that every time I sporadically want to get involved (questions in could go through my mind: do I need to put a semi-colon in? Do I need to export it? do I need to provide a specific settings file?)
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