Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #25374, comment 5

Sep 10, 2015, 9:57:36 AM (9 years ago)
Simon Charette


  • Ticket #25374, comment 5

    initial v1  
    1 The main argument I see about running checks against instance instead of subclasses of `ModelAdmin` is the fact they are the actual objects that registered to the site, Django doesn't actually use `ModelAdmin` classes directly. This would be consistent with how checks are ran against `db.Field` instance compared to `db.Models` classes.
     1The main argument I see about running checks against instances instead of subclasses of `ModelAdmin` is the fact they are the actual objects registered to the site, Django doesn't actually use `ModelAdmin` classes directly. This would be consistent with how checks are ran against `db.Field` instance compared to `db.Models` classes.
    3 If you take a look at the admin check methods signatures you can clearly see most of them can't be performed if they are not provided the `db.Model` the `ModelAdmin` must be bound to. The model bounding is something that happens at `ModelAdmin` initialization compared to `InlineModelAdmin` which is done at class definition. I think it would make more sense to run these checks against "bound" objects instead which is `ModelAdmin` instances and `InlineModelAdmin` classes.
     3If you take a look at the admin check methods signatures you can clearly see most of them can't be performed if they are not provided the `db.Model` the `ModelAdmin` must be bound to. The model bounding is something that happens at `ModelAdmin` initialization compared to `InlineModelAdmin` which is done at class definition. I think it would make more sense to run these checks against '''bound''' objects instead.
    5 I would also argue that string representation of `ModelAdmin` should be changed to the reflect its full class path and the model it's bound to instead of its bound model `app_label` and the class name which doesn't make much sense anyway. Combined with the proposed changes it should make it easier to identify the check offending `ModelAdmin` instance given the `db.Model` it's bound to is displayed.
     5I would also argue that the string representation of `ModelAdmin` should be changed to the reflect its full class path and the model it's bound to instead of its bound model `app_label` and its class name which doesn't make much sense anyway. Combined with the proposed changes it should make it easier to identify the check offending `ModelAdmin` instance given the bound `db.Model` is also part of its string representation.
    77As Tim said It wouldn't hurt writing to the mailing list to get extra feedback but IMHO we should tentatively accept this ticket as a cleanup/optimization of the admin checks.
     9Edit: It looks like the string representation of `ModelAdmin` is not currently used in checks message but it's bound model is referred when it makes sense to.
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