Changes between Version 55 and Version 63 of Ticket #23919

Jan 19, 2017, 9:29:50 PM (8 years ago)
Tim Graham


  • TabularUnified Ticket #23919 – Description

    v55 v63  
    11This is a tracking ticket of things that we can remove when we drop Python 2 compatibility in Django 2.0. Please edit the description of the ticket as you come across new items.
    3 * `django.core.mail.message.make_msgid()` #23905
     3* ~~`django.core.mail.message.make_msgid()`~~ #23905
    44* ~~`django.dispatch.weakref_backports`~~
    5 * `django.http.cookie` workarounds
    6 * `django.utils.2to3_fixes`
     5* ~~`django.http.cookie` workarounds~~ (remains for Python 3.4)
     6* ~~`django.utils.2to3_fixes`~~
    77* ~~`django.utils.decorators.ContextDecorator` ~~
    88* `django.utils.encoding`
    1010 * ~~force/smart _unicode~~
    1111 * either force/smart _text or force/smart _str
    12 * `django.utils.html_parser.use_workaround`
     12* ~~`django.utils.html_parser.use_workaround`~~
    1313* `django.utils.http` functions like `urlquote_plus` -- I think the versions of these functions on Python 3 don't have the unicode characters bug we are working around.
    1414* ~~Stop using `django.utils.lru_cache`~~
    15 * Figure the deprecation plan for `django.utils.lru_cache`
     15* ~~Figure the deprecation plan for `django.utils.lru_cache`~~ (staying for now)
    1616* `django.utils.six` - Remaining: [ PR 7878]
    1717* ~~`from __future__ import unicode_literals`~~
    1919* ~~`str()` stuff for `type(name)` and `__name__`~~
    2020* ~~Inheriting from `object` in `django.core.servers.basehttp` (and perhaps other places) ala 4ee06ec3fc8e94d164afbd2f9c880c60c658a9ac~~
    21 * `git grep 'long int'` (mostly docs)
    22 * `django.utils._os [npath,upath]`
    23 * In tests: `contextlib.closing(self.urlopen` (`contextlib.closing` no longer needed)
    24 * Support for pysqlite (doesn't support Python 3)
     21* ~~`git grep 'long int'` (mostly docs)~~
     22* ~~`django.utils._os [npath,upath]`~~
     23* ~~In tests: `contextlib.closing(self.urlopen` (`contextlib.closing` no longer needed)~~
     24* Support for pysqlite (doesn't support Python 3) [ PR]
    2525* Replace `super(ClassName, self)` with `super()`
    2626* ~~Remove `# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-` source file encoding~~ (that's the default on Python 3)
    2727* Evaluate replacement of custom `__del__` methods by [ weakref.finalize]
    2828* ~~Remove `__ne__` from objects already defining a `__eq__`~~
    29 * Remove note about PYTHONHASHSEED (see #26243)
     29* ~~Remove note about PYTHONHASHSEED (see #26243)~~
    3030* Remove Field.creation_counter (replace by metaclass `__prepare__` returning `OrderedDict()`,
    3131* ~~`django.test.utils.reset_warning_registry()`~~
    3232* Replace `errno` checks by `IOError` subclasses defined by [ PEP 3151]
    3333* ~~`django.utils.glob`~~
    34 * `django.utils.cookies.SimpleCookie`
    35 * `django.test.mock`
     34* ~~`django.utils.cookies.SimpleCookie`~~ (remains for Python 3.4 compatibility)
     35* ~~`django.test.mock`~~
    3636* Replace `tempfile.mkdtemp` + remove with `tempfile.TemporaryDirectory` context manager
    3737* ~~Replace `` by a plain `open()`~~
    38 * Evaluate need for `assertRegex`, `assertRaisesRegex` in tests. Some usage is merely to account for differences in messages between Python 2 and 3.
     38* ~~Evaluate need for `assertRegex`, `assertRaisesRegex` in tests. Some usage is merely to account for differences in messages between Python 2 and 3.~~
    3939* `re.U`, `re.UNICODE` (default behavior of Python 3) - [ PR 7879]
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