Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #23547, comment 8

Jul 10, 2020, 5:35:35 PM (5 years ago)
Krish Ravindranath


  • Ticket #23547, comment 8

    initial v1  
    22> Sorry. Revised documentation and saw note about this (after error first of all went to code to see from what and why raises and code behavior was nonobvious. But in my opinion, it's not good that field can't be required and return all valid values. Ticket can be closed i guess.
    4 agreed with this- what purpose does required=True serve? If you want to have a boolean field for some reason that is always set to True, wouldn't it be better to add a validator for that? Enforcing this via required=True is unintuitive- just because it's documented doesn't mean it's the best design IMO. perhaps I'm missing something, but if so would like to understand what it is.
     4agreed with this- what purpose does `required=True` serve? If you want to have a boolean field for some reason that is always set to True, wouldn't it be better to add a validator for that? Enforcing this via `required` is unintuitive- just because it's documented doesn't mean it's the best design IMO. perhaps I'm missing something, but if so would like to understand what it is.
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