Changes between Initial Version and Version 12 of Ticket #23366

Dec 30, 2014, 7:01:37 AM (10 years ago)
Markus Holtermann


  • Ticket #23366

    • Property Component UncategorizedMigrations
    • Property Easy pickings set
    • Property Type UncategorizedBug
    • Property Version 1.61.7
    • Property Triage Stage UnreviewedAccepted
    • Property Owner changed from nobody to Iacopo Spalletti
    • Property Status newassigned
    • Property Has patch set
    • Property Needs tests set
    • Property Cc Iacopo Spalletti added
  • TabularUnified Ticket #23366 – Description

    initial v12  
    55I just hit what appeared to be the same issue myself, found the ticket, checked my Django version (1.7 RC3) and thought all should be well, but I thought it still wasn't working for me until I actually read the patch and saw why:
    7 There's still a subtle gotcha where `makemigrations --list` will still throw the dependency error, while `makemigrations <app name>` will happily run. So if someone gets Dependency on app with no migrations when starting `runserver` and they then try to check their migrations list, they will be prevented from doing so and they have no cue to as to what they can do to remedy things.
     7There's still a subtle gotcha where `migrate --list` will still throw the dependency error, while `makemigrations <app name>` will happily run. So if someone gets Dependency on app with no migrations when starting `runserver` and they then try to check their migrations list, they will be prevented from doing so and they have no cue to as to what they can do to remedy things.
    99It's a corner case, sure, but likely will lead to user frustration for those stuck in that corner.
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