Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #21936, comment 9

May 16, 2014, 9:35:15 AM (11 years ago)
Caroline Simpson


  • TabularUnified Ticket #21936, comment 9

    initial v1  
    1 My main concern with the patch that I have provided is that there are changes related to using the DELETE method for deletions, but it doesn't work entirely as expected. So the documentation change were I changed it to read that you can use DELETE, and a few other changes in the code may not be valid. 
     1My main concern with the patch that I have provided is that there are changes related to using the DELETE method for deletions, but it doesn't work entirely as expected. For example, if an application uses a form to verify that a field should be deleted.  If the view were to have code that checks that a confirmation box is checked or something similar, and they used the DELETE HTTP method, then the view would not work correctly, as data is not passed through with the request in the case of DELETE. So the documentation change where I changed it to read that you can use DELETE, and a few other changes in the code may not be valid. 
    22There was a comment in the pull request that got buried I think:
    33"As I was updating the tests, I found that data cannot currently be sent with the DELETE method. When doing further research, I wasn't sure whether this should be allowed or not. The test client accepts a data parameter for DELETE, but the HTTP spec suggests that you shouldn't expect data, like you can for a POST: If we want to I can figure out how to actually get data through the chain. Otherwise I can update the documentation to reflect the changes instead."
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